

ALICE is a Copenhagen venue for adventurous music — a meeting place for curious ears and open minds that digs deep into musical roots and presents new hybrids,

Sessa (BR) + Jonas Visti (dj) at ALICE på Stairway – UDSOLGT

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Sessa (BR) + Jonas Visti (dj) at ALICE på Stairway – UDSOLGT


ALICE and Stairway


Copenhagen, Denmark




Wednesday 6th of September 2023


19:00 to 23:00


150 DKK


Med sin døsige og honningsøde bossanova er Sessa en af tidens mest spændende nyfortolkere af brasiliansk popmusik. Den São Paolo-baserede musiker og komponist er af medier som The New Yorker blevet sammenlignet med pioneren Antônio Carlos Jobim og tropicalia-ikonet Caetano Veloso. Lydbilledet er fjerlet, og Sessa løfter helt ubesværet en tung musikalsk arv med sit bud på sensuel og samtidsaktuel bossanova, som vi glæder os til at kunne præsentere for danske fans af brasiliansk musik.


Døre kl 19:00 / Show kl 20:00

Køb billet i forsalg: 150 dkk inkl gebyr
Køb billet: https://bit.ly/45CA0Rs
Lyt: https://youtu.be/PP5gFdXwSog

OBS: Koncerten finder sted på Stairway i Vanløse.



Sessas koncerter er allerede berømte for et enkelt og rørende setup, hvor vokal og guitarspil blidt akkompagneres af hypnotisk kvindekor og afrobrasiliansk percussion. Hans sange bevæger sig i melodiske og sensuelle bølgebrydninger, der læner sig op ad bossanovaens mest markante skikkelser. På det bløde portugisiske tungemål ruller ordene sensuelt af tungen, når Sessa lyrisk besynger kroppens ekstaser og sjælens rejser. Samtidig har musikken et nøgent og ligefremt islæt, der kunne vække minder om en singer-songwriter som Leonard Cohen.

Sessa læner sig op ad traditionen, men han skubber samtidig brasiliansk popmusik i nye retninger med fyldige teksturer og fint detaljeret instrumentering. Det righoldige lydbillede rummer psykedeliske stref af tropicalia såvel som vildskab fra freejazz.

Sessa har længe været et fast indslag på både den amerikanske og brasilianske musikscene. I USA brød han igennem i kraft af et samarbejde med newyorkerguitarlegenden Yonotan Gat. I hjembyen São Paulo startede han psych funk-bandet Garotas Suecas, inden han debuterede som solist med albummet “Grandeza” i 2019. Pladen fik en strålende modtagelse blandt andet i The New Yorker, som roste hans “flair for at skabe intime, gådefulde og lystne stemninger”. Den kritikerroste opfølger “Estrela Acesa” udkom i 2022 og fik en flot plads på Bandcamps liste over årets bedste album i 2022.

Skrevet om Sessa:
“Sensual and subtly orchestrated post bossa from the latter day Tom Ze” (Uncut)

“Sergio Sayeg’s unhurried nylon string guitar and softly danceable rhythms put a smooth, minimalist flourish on the vibrant musical heritage of Brazil” (Pitchfork)

"Sessa, a São Paulo native, purrs sinuous ballads that evaporate immediately into the ether. Like his singer-songwriter touchstones, both Brazilian and Leonard Cohenian, he cultivates an air of inscrutability and depth” (The New Yorker)


With his soft and breezy modern bossa nova, critically acclaimed musician and composer Sessa breathes new life into Brazilian pop music. With comparisons to legends such as the pioneering bossa nova figure Antônio Carlos Jobim and tropicalia icon Caetano Veloso, Sessa effortlessly and sensually blends the heritage of bossa nova with influences from free jazz, psyched-out retro orchestration and sparse singer-songwriting in the style of Leonard Cohen. A must for fans of Brazilian music.

Sessa is a long-time fixture of both the American and Brazilian music scenes. Initially known for collaborating with NY guitar legend Yonatan Gat and co-founding the São Paulo psych-funk combo Garotas Suecas, Sessa released his debut album, Grandeza, in 2019. In their review of the album, the New Yorker described Sessa as “a songwriter cut from Veloso’s mold and blessed with a flair for the intimate, the enigmatic, and the licentious.”
Sessa’s songs are sung in Portuguese, with visceral, sensual lyrics, and melodic flourishes not unlike those of Tom Jobim. However, the music gets a deliberate minimalist treatment rarely found in contemporary Brazilian music, more reminiscent of the bareness of Leonard Cohen.
Sessa’s concerts are already stuff of legend, as he takes the stage accompanied solely by a female backing choir and Afro-Brazilian percussion. While the songs often deal with subjects such as the sensual body and spiritual transcendence, the music points to new, more subtle directions for Brazilian pop music – a deep, minimalist, almost insinuated use of the endlessly rich textures and rhythms that define the songwriting history of Brazil, which Sessa joins as one of its most promising new voices.

“Sensual and subtly orchestrated post bossa from the latter day Tom Ze” (Uncut)

“Sergio Sayeg’s unhurried nylon string guitar and softly danceable rhythms put a smooth, minimalist flourish on the vibrant musical heritage of Brazil” (Pitchfork)

"Sessa, a São Paulo native, purrs sinuous ballads that evaporate immediately into the ether. Like his singer-songwriter touchstones, both Brazilian and Leonard Cohenian, he cultivates an air of inscrutability and depth” (The New Yorker)
