

Hangaren: Aurora Halal (US), Sugar, David Garset

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Hangaren: Aurora Halal (US), Sugar, David Garset




Copenhagen, Denmark




Saturday 4th of March 2023


23:00 to 06:00


150 DKK

Auro­ra Halal is a pro­duc­er, DJ, and cre­ator of Brooklyn’s influ­en­tial Mutu­al Dream­ing par­ty series & the Sus­tain-Release festival.
Shad­owy and psy­che­del­ic, her hard­ware live & DJ sets have a hazy sen­su­al­i­ty and metal­lic dance floor inten­si­ty that’s at turns play­ful, dark, euphor­ic, and emo­tion­al­ly vulnerable.
In all her projects, she treats dance music as an are­na for trans­for­ma­tion and since 2010, her events have been root­ed in an under­ground, DIY approach that push­es for­ward-think­ing sounds, pro­duc­tion, and ideas. She’s spent the last 10 years tour­ing like-mind­ed clubs, raves, and fes­ti­vals world­wide and gained a rep­u­ta­tion for pow­er­ful, unique per­for­mances that work both the body and mind.
She’s 4 years into a res­i­den­cy at NYC’s Nowa­days, is a reg­u­lar at Berghain and De School. Auro­ra has been enter­ing 2023 at full pace, ded­i­cat­ing her ener­gy towards both her sets and productions.


Aurora Halal (US)


David Garset

Presale / Door sale: 150 DKK - Including wardrobe
Presale: https://ra.co/events/1648775
Minimum age: 20+
Lost & found: lost@nusnus.dk
Address: Refshalevej 185, 1432 Copenhagen

Hangaren at Refshalevej 185 is an old hangar construction turned into a nightclub for electronic music and event space. Hangaren is located at a secluded green spot on Refshaleøen in central Copenhagen.
We are here to present the city's vibrant electronic music scene.
You will be treated with a heavy soundsystem by Funktion-One.
There is a cosy courtyard with chill-out possibility, a bonfire, big sky scenery from where you can watch the sunset, the stars and the sunrise. The bar serves organic beers, drinks at fair prices.
Our main purpose is to serve as a platform and inspiration for the cultural scene in Copenhagen

Hangaren wants every guest to feel safe and free at our parties.
This is a shared space and there should be an open atmosphere where everyone can enjoy themselves, whoever they are or wherever they come from. We do not want any harassment based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, body size, political orientation, social background or age. If you feel you are being harassed, a victim of nonconsensual touching, or otherwise made to feel unsafe by any form of aggressive or inappropriate attitude, contact our staff or security: they will assist you.
It's only a party if we all feel free!
No photos and video - Stay in the moment!
Dance floor is for dancing - Please respect the vibe!

𝗜𝗚: https://www.instagram.com/hangaren_copenhagen/
𝗙𝗕: https://www.facebook.com/HangarenCopenhagen
𝗪𝗘𝗕: https://www.hangaren.dk/
