This event has passed
Saturday 3rd of August 2024
18:00 to 20:00
The Clubcommission Berlin and Københavns Frie Promotere invite you to a roundtable discussion on Saturday, August 3rd, from 6-8 pm at Hangaren, focusing on “Transforming Club Culture: The Importance of Mental Health and Awareness Projects.” This event aims to discuss the significance of projects that promote awareness, visibility, and mental health within club culture. As representatives of the Berlin and Copenhagen club scenes, these associations continuously advocate for the interests of their respective club cultures. This includes addressing the needs and realities of club workers and audiences to foster a sustainable and inclusive club culture.
The roundtable will highlight projects aimed at raising awareness of anti-discrimination, dismantling societal power dynamics, and improving mental health. The discussion will feature best practice examples from the projects “Diversitygerechtes Ausgehen in Berlin” and “Mental Health in Clubs” by the Clubcommission, as well as the awareness program by Københavns Frie Promotere, providing insights for the future sustainable development of diverse formats.
How can these projects contribute to raising awareness about anti-discrimination, inclusion, and mental health in club culture, and what responsibility do they bear towards the local society?
About the projects:
Diversitygerechtes Ausgehen in Berlin (“Diversity friendly Nightlife in Berlin”)
This project aims to promote a respectful and discrimination-sensitive environment in Berlin venues, reduce discrimination, and support affected groups. It targets individuals who face discrimination based on their actual or perceived group affiliations and everyone involved in creating these spaces.
Mental Health in Clubs
This project addresses the challenges faced by club workers, such as irregular sleep patterns, the difficult separation between work and personal life, and interactions with guests. The project’s goal is to protect the mental health of employees and enhance the resilience of clubs.
KFP Awareness
A speaker from Københavns Frie Promotere (KFP) will present the Copenhagen perspective. KFP and its members are pioneers of safer space-oriented events in Copenhagen. In 2021, the association defined a collective manifesto for Safer Space practices (Awareness) and values, which all members must adhere to. There is also a growing focus in Denmark on reducing discrimination and boundary-crossing behavior in nightlife. KFP Awareness leverages the professional and practical expertise of its members to train and advise other organizers and organizations. Their experiences provide valuable insights into creating safe spaces and communities.
Erich Joseph (Clubcommission Berlin)
Elena Heim (Clubcommission Berlin)
Denise Garbov (Københavns Frie Promotere / Den Anden Side)
Jesse G (Hardwax/ Tresor/ RSO Berlin)