ALICE is a Copenhagen venue for adventurous music — a meeting place for curious ears and open minds that digs deep into musical roots and presents new hybrids,
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Copenhagen, Denmark
Friday 3rd of May 2024
20:00 to 23:00
130 DKK
En aften spækket med labre latinamerikanske toner på ALICE. Oplev Pehuenches fusion af mexicansk populærmusik, 60s folk og -rock, brasilianske Luiz Murás dybt pertsonlige take på bossa nova og den herboende mexicanske musiker Julian Marabotos mangefacetterede projekt som rejser gennem genrer som rock, cumbia, blues og mexikansk ranchera.
Døre kl 20:00 / Show kl 21:00
Køb billet i forsalg: 130 dkk eksl. gebyr
Køb billet:
NB: Koncerten finder sted på Stairway i Vanløse
NB: Koncerten er stående
Pehuenche er soloartistprojekt fra den Veracruz-baserede musiker Rafael Mesa Zamudio. Hans musik trækker på mexicansk populærmusik, latinamerikanske sange og rytmer, samt rock, pop og folk fra 60'erne. Med de mange indflydelser skaber Pehuenche et lydbillede gennemvædet af organiske lyde, stil og form. Pehuenche har spillet på utallige festivaller verden over og blev i 2022 udnævnt som Relelation Artist på LAMC Festival i New York. Nu er han klar til at indtage ALICE.
Luiz Murá
Med en enorm fascination af bossa nova, improvisation, jazz og traditionel musik, søger Luiz Murá at forbinde Brasilien med andre melodier og rytmer rundt om i verden.
Hans nye album "Origem" er en hyldest til musikken af legenden João Gilberto, der gik bort i sommeren 2019. Med en brasiliansk palisander "Jacarandá Bahia"-guitar, sin vokal og 2 kondensator-c414-mikrofoner, søger Luiz at forbinde sig med med intimiteten og detaljerigdommen i den oprindelige bossa nova. Hermed forbinder han sig også med sit eget personlige ophav og søger at tage et autentisk skridt videre fra bossa nova-traditionen.
Julian Maraboto
Julian Maraboto er fra Mexico og bosiddende i Danmark, hvorfra han præsenterer sit soloprojekt samt den multikulturelle gruppe Los Fuegos, der i 2014 var nomineret til Danish Music Awards som Årets Live Navn i World-kategorien. Marabotos stil rejser gennem rytmer og temaer, fra rock til cumbia, gennem blues og til mexikansk ranchera. Hans stemme er stærk og indlevende og teksterne er en afspejling af de multikulturelle erfaringer, som hans mange rejser mellem Mexico og Danmark har budt på og hvor det centrale spørgsmål er integrationen af kulturer i en verden hvor der er hårdt brug for respekt mellem samfund og accept af forskellige sociale, politiske og religiøse ideer.
ALICE på Stairway
Mens vores koncertsal på Nørre Allé 7 renoveres, genhuses ALICE midlertidigt på Stairway i Vanløse i 2023.
In English:
An evening packed with lively Latin American tones at ALICE. Experience Pehuenche's fusion of Mexican popular music, 60s folk, and rock, Brazilian Luiz Murá's deeply personal take on bossa nova, and resident Mexican musician Julian Maraboto's multifaceted project that travels through genres such as rock, cumbia, blues, and Mexican ranchera.
Pehuenche is the solo artist project of Veracruz-based musician Rafael Mesa Zamudio. His music draws on Mexican popular music, Latin American songs, and rhythms, as well as rock, pop, and folk from the 60s. With the many influences, Pehuenche creates a soundscape drenched in organic sounds, style, and form. Pehuenche has played at countless festivals worldwide and in 2022 was named Revelation Artist at the LAMC Festival in New York. Now he is ready to play at ALICE.
Luiz Murá
With a huge fascination for bossa nova, improvisation, jazz, and traditional music, Luiz Murá seeks to connect Brazil with other melodies and rhythms around the world. His new album "Origem" is a tribute to the music of the legendary João Gilberto, who passed away in the summer of 2019. With a Brazilian rosewood "Jacarandá Bahia" guitar, his vocals, and 2 condenser c414 microphones, Luiz seeks to connect with the intimacy and detail of the original bossa nova. With this, he also connects with his origins and seeks to take an authentic step forward from the bossa nova tradition.
Julian Maraboto
Julian Maraboto is from Mexico and is a resident of Denmark, from where he presents his solo project as well as the multicultural group Los Fuegos, who in 2014 were nominated for the Danish Music Awards as Live Name of the Year in the World category. Maraboto's style travels through rhythms and themes, from rock to cumbia, through blues, and to Mexican ranchera. His voice is strong and lively and the lyrics are a reflection of the multicultural experiences that his many trips between Mexico and Denmark have offered and where the central issue is the integration of cultures in a world where there is a strong need for respect between society and acceptance of different social, political and religious ideas.
ALICE at Stairway
While the concert hall at Nørre Allé 7 is undergoing renovation, ALICE is located at the music venue Stairway in Vanløse.