

Catherine Christer Hennix with Ellen Arkbro and Marcus Pal

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Catherine Christer Hennix with Ellen Arkbro and Marcus Pal




Copenhagen, Denmark


Art, Concert


Wednesday 26th of April 2023


19:00 to 23:00


90 DKK


Simian og Blank Forms præsenterer:

En koncertaften i Simians store udstillingslokale med den skelsættende komponist Catherine Christer Hennix (f. 1948) samt Ellen Arkbro og Marcus Pal.

Entré 90 kr.
Køb billetter her:

Den svenske kunstner, komponist, digter og matematiker Catherine Christer Hennix, samt en reduceret version af hendes nydannede Kamigaku Ensemble, opfører et nyt værk, hvor præcist afstemte og kontinuerligt vedholdte toner på trompet og shō – et japansk fri-rørblads-mundorgel – harmonisk samles i en indramning af intervalske modaliteter, delvist skabt af elektronisk forstærkede kombinationstoner. Denne version af ensemblet inkluderer Ellen Arkbro på trompet, Marcus Pal på elektronik og Hennix på shō.

Catherine Christer Hennix, født i 1948 i Stockholm, Sverige. Trænet jazztrommeslager fra en ung alder, og tidligt medlem af Elektronmusikstudion i Stockholm, hvor hun komponerede elektronisk og computerbaseret musik. Hun studerede lingvistik og filosofi på Stockholms Universitet, før hun besluttede sig for at fokusere på matematik, et interessefelt som hun fortsatte med at arbejde med i mange årtier.

Som lydkunstner, musiker og komponist var Hennix en del af den minimalistiske New York downtown-scene for harmonisk lyd, og hun har arbejdet tæt sammen med flere af dens fremtrædende aktører, så som Henry Flynt og La Monte Young. Inspireret af hendes studier hos Pandit Pran Nath, en mester i Kirana-traditionen indenfor klassisk Hindustan-musik, og de særlige kontemplative overvejelser og arbejdsmetoder han som lærermester videregav, har Hennix produceret en lang række lydværker, herunder sinus-bølgekompositioner, solo-værker til tambura og keyboard samt ensemble-værker, udført af hendes egne grupper, som alle lægger vægt på harmonicitet som udtryk for det guddommelige.

Marcus Pal er en musiker, lydkunstner og komponist, der på teoretisk og filosofisk vis skriver om lyd og bevidsthed. De har siden 2014 arbejdet regelmæssigt med Catherine Christer Hennix.

Ellen Arkbro er en musiker, lydkunstner og komponist, der arbejder med intervalharmoni og installation. Arkbro komponerer musik for både akustiske instrumenter, syntetiske lyde og kombinationer af begge.

Kamigaku Ensemble er skabt som et samarbejde mellem Blank Forms, Munch Museet og Vassa Tassar og er støttet af Empty Gallery Hong Kong, Nordisk Kulturfond og Kulturrådet Sverige.

Mere info her: ssiimmiiaann.org

Simian / @ssiimmiiaann
Kay Fiskers Plads 17
2300 København S
(Ørestad Metro station)

Simian and Blank Forms present:

A concert evening in Simian's large exhibition space with the renowned composer Catherine Christer Hennix (b. 1948) along with Ellen Arkbro and Marcus Pal.

Entry 90 kr.
Buy tickets here:

Swedish artist, composer, poet, and mathematician Catherine Christer Hennix and a reduced iteration of her newly formed Kamigaku Ensemble perform a new work in which precision-tuned and continuously sustained tones on trumpet and shō—a Japanese free-reed mouth organ—harmonically coalesce in a framework of intervallic modalities constituted in part by electronically enhanced combination tones. This arrangement of the ensemble will feature Ellen Arkbro on trumpet, Marcus Pal on electronics, and Hennix on shō.

Catherine Christer Hennix was born in 1948 in Stockholm, Sweden. Trained in jazz drumming from a young age, Hennix was also an early member of Stockholm’s Elektronmusikstudion, where she composed computer and electronic music. She studied linguistics and philosophy at Stockholm University before deciding to focus on mathematics, a discipline in which she would continue to work for many decades.

As a sound artist, musician, and composer, Hennix was part of the minimalist New York downtown school of harmonic sound and has worked extensively with some of its key figures, including Henry Flynt and La Monte Young. Influenced by her studies with Pandit Pran Nath, a master of the Kirana tradition of classical Hindustani music, and the contemplative practices transmitted by him, Hennix has produced a large body of sound works, including sine-wave compositions, solo works for tambura and for keyboard, as well as ensemble works performed by her own groups, all of which emphasize an orientation to harmonicity as an expression of the divine.

Marcus Pal is a musician-sound artist-composer who writes about sounds and minds in a theoretical-philosophical manner. Since 2014, they have worked regularly with Catherine Christer Hennix.

Ellen Arkbro is a composer-musician-sound artist working with intervallic harmony and installation. Arkbro composes for acoustic instruments, synthetic sounds, and combinations of the two.

The Kamigaku Ensemble is a co-commission from Blank Forms, the Munch Museum, and Vassa Tassar, and is supported by Empty Gallery Hong Kong, the Nordic Culture Fund, and Swedish Arts Council.

More info here: ssiimmiiaann.org

Simian / @ssiimmiiaann
Kay Fiskers Plads 17
2300 København S
(Ørestad Metro station)
