

Summer pop up venue at Refshaleøen. CPH. Concerts, art, talks, workshops, parties and more. Refshalevej 167x

Stonewall Sessions x Elijah Kashmir Ali

This event has passed

Stonewall Sessions x Elijah Kashmir Ali




Copenhagen, Denmark


Wednesday 28th of July 2021


17:00 to 00:00



In the summer of 2021, Back to Future Sounds will organize four events in Copenhagen supporting the LGBTQ+ community in Denmark, initiated by Brooklyn Brewery and The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI).

The four events wish to amplify voices from the LGBTQ+ community and gather people around important issues chosen by four speakers from the community, who will be in charge of the content and music of the night. The Stonewall Inn IPA alongside non-alcoholic beverages will be served at the event.

Sign up for the event here: https://form.typeform.com/to/fSYAvLY6.

Each event is structured around a talk followed by music and conversation. The talks will be recorded and uploaded to Heartbeats.com as podcasts – so anyone can listen and learn anytime and anywhere. OBS. the talk will be in Danish.

This night is arranged and hosted by artist, Elijah Kashmir Ali, who will give you the opportunity to learn more about queer art and experience the art in its many forms. The event will offer a talk on queer art’s influence on pop culture, readings of queer literature, music performances, and performative art by drag artists and waacking dancers. The location of the night is the summer pop-up venue, MENUE, Refshalevej 167x, Copenhagen.

To ensure that the events remain safe spaces, we ask people to participate respectfully by listening, learning and ultimately actively supporting the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

There is limited seating for the talk - so you have to sign up if you want a seat:
https://form.typeform.com/to/fSYAvLY6. If you want to come by after the talk, just show up but be aware that there is limited space due to Covid-19. Everyone needs a valid corona passport.

You can read more about the project and the initiators here: https://www.backtofuture.dk/stonewallsessions

At every event photographer, Sarah Fresco, will be present to document the night. We respect if people don’t want their pictures taken so don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or before the event if you would like to avoid it. The pictures taken can be used by Back to Future Sounds and Brooklyn Brewery on their online channels. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by reaching out via mail, Facebook, or Instagram to Back to Future Sounds.
