
Musik Loppen

RMC på Loppen: Mary K + Ditlev Behrens + praytell.

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RMC på Loppen: Mary K + Ditlev Behrens + praytell.


Monday 6th of June 2022


19:30 to 23:00



Oplev spændende musikere fra Københavns talentmasse når Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium (RMC) afholder gratis 1. års-kandidatkoncerter på en række af byens bedste venues - se mere på https://rmc.dk/presents22

kl. 19.30: Mary K
kl. 20.30: Ditlev Behrens – A Tale About Feathers
kl. 21.30: praytell.

Mary K
Mary K is a romantic. He composes’ electronics quirkie club music, and by manipulations and processing exploring a symbiosis of the computer technology and the human behavior. Mary K is seeking an extended understanding of polyrhythmic expressions and body feelings. It’s bubblegum techno with bouncy ball beats and this tender flux of life' mysteries memories.

Ditlev Behrens – A Tale About Feathers
This is a sonic dabble into radio theatre trying to explain a nuanced picture of being a listener. By staging and disassembling the idea of a conventional radioplay, a chance is taken. The sonic elements may be liberated and no longer dictated by a consistent narrative.
Thus – textures and sounds will be conveyed. The juxtaposition between noise and music has been explored and has found a companion: a storyline. A story that does not make any sense. A story made from experiments that are ready to be introduced to an audience.

Noise-rock meets hyperpop in happy/sad collision. The experimental hyperpunk artist praytell. will showcase new, unreleased material for this one-time experience concert at Loppen. Known for his synthetic and noisy productions with fast rap, praytell. will at this concert show a more slow, guitar-ridden side of his artistry. Taking from his background as a guitar player and singer in noise-rock/punk bands, praytell. mixes his hip hop/hyperpunk aesthetics with noise-rock/punk music in his later-to-be-released album. Expect loud, distorted guitars with quirky synthesizers and hard-tuned vocals.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/punkisdeadikilleditlivewithit/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1nFfp44S9uGArziDhCNQCt
