Copenhagen Contemporary

Copenhagen Contemporary

Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) is Copenhagen’s international art center showing installation art created by world stars and new emerging talents.

CC x Icon Visions: Exhibition Opening Party

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CC x Icon Visions: Exhibition Opening Party


Copenhagen, Denmark


Art, Concert


Thursday 25th of January 2024


17:00 to 02:00

Alle er inviteret til åbningsfest, når CC d. 25. januar genåbner stueetagen med to store nybyggede udstillinger skabt af den internationale stjerne Kapwani Kiwanga og den anerkendte danske maler Cathrine Raben Davidsen.

Gå på opdagelse i oliemalerier, giftige blomster, immersive installationer og farveeksplosioner i de to udstillinger The Length of the Horizon og Let Everything Happen to You, der viser helt nye sider af de to kunstnere.

Det hypede københavnske undergrundsmærke, Icon Visions lukker og i den anledning inviterer de i samarbejde med CC til overdådig fest, hvor nogle af landets mest prominente performere, live acts og DJ’s sammen skaber en helt unik aften. Vi løfter sløret for programmet løbende, og I kan blandt andet glæde jer til Icon Visions første og sidste soloshow, en arkivudstilling, pop-up shop, videoværker og meget mere.

Alvorlige temaer lurer lige under overfladen i Kapwani Kiwangas forførende smukke værker. Dekorative planter fortæller giftige historier om koloniale magtforhold og racisme. Farver rummer manipulerende effekter, og lyset undersøges som et politisk instrument. Som uddannet antropolog og religionsforsker forfiner hun med sine installationer, malerier og skulpturer vores fornemmelse for skjulte sociale mekanismer og magtforhold.

Let Everything Happen to You er den første store institutionelle soloudstilling af den danske kunstner Cathrine Raben Davidsen. I et retrospektivt blik formidler den kunstnerens følelsesmæssige kompleksitet og spændvidde, udviklet over tre årtier og rundet af erfaringer som tab, identitetssøgen og transformation. Udstillingen samler over 120 værker, hvoraf en betydelig del vises for allerførste gang.

Icon Visions æstetiske udtryk tager udgangspunkt i nostalgi, ungdom og popkultur.
Brandet har været med til at skabe identitet for musikere, kunstnere og været et nyt og ungdommeligt alternativ i modeverdenen.
Icon Visions har skabt nye silhuetter ud fra ikoniske, klassiske styles. Teenageværelsets udforskende univers, pulserende subkulturer og online trends skaber i kombination Icon Visions udtryk.



17.00 Velkommen+ afhentning af armbånd til Icon Visions Closing Party (uddeles efter først-til-mølle-princippet og kun 1 pr. person). Meget begrænset antal armbånd til rådighed).

17.30: Åbningstale ved CC Director Marie Laurberg og kulturminister Jakob Engel-Schmidt.
Udstillingerne åbner.
Musikalsk performance: A Musical Journey; Links of Being

21.00 Udstillinger og Foyer lukker

Connie Connie:

18.00: Bål, madbod og DJ Atusa

23.00 Connie Connie lukker

Hal 6 Icon Visions Closing Party:

19.30 – 20.00: Hal 6 åbner

20.00 – 210.50: Icon TV

21.00 – 21.15: Icon Visions Show

21.30 – 22.00: The Bird Live

22.00 – 23.00: Esben Weile Kjær (DJ)

23.00: Special Rum Paris to Berlin Bar & appearance by Infernal

23.30 - 00.00 Icon DJ´s

00.00 – 01.00: Ryong b2b Angle Wei (DJ)

01.00 – 02.00: oqbqbo (DJ)

02.00: Slut


Join us for a grand opening celebration when CC reopens its entire ground floor on January 25th with two major new exhibitions created by international star Kapwani Kiwanga and the great Danish artist Cathrine Raben Davidsen.

Explore oil paintings, poisonous flowers, grandiose installations and explosions of color in the two exhibitions The Length of the Horizon and Let Everything Happen to You, showing new sides of the two artists.

The hyped Copenhagen underground label, Icon Visions, is closing down, and to mark the occasion, they invite you to a lavish party in collaboration with CC, where some of the country's most prominent performers, live acts and DJs create a truly unique evening. We will reveal the program as we go along, and you can look forward to Icon Visions' first and last solo show, an archive exhibition, pop-up shop, video works and much more.

Serious themes lurk just below the surface in Kapwani Kiwanga's seductively beautiful works. Decorative plants tell toxic stories of colonial power relations and racism. Colors contain manipulative effects and light is explored as a political instrument. As a trained anthropologist and religious scholar, her installations, paintings and sculptures refine our sense of hidden social mechanisms and power relations.

Let Everything Happen to You is the first major institutional solo exhibition by Danish artist Cathrine Raben Davidsen. In a retrospective, it conveys the emotional complexity and range of the artist's work, developed over three decades and rooted in experiences of loss, identity search and transformation. The exhibition brings together over 120 works, a significant number of which are being shown for the very first time.

Icon Vision's aesthetic is rooted in nostalgia, youth and pop culture.The brand has helped create identity for musicians, artists, and has been a new and youthful alternative in the fashion world.
Icons Visions has created new silhouettes from iconic, classic styles. The exploratory universe of the teenage bedroom, vibrant subcultures and online trends combine to create the Icon Visions look.



17.00 Welcome

+ wristband pick-up for the Icon Visions Closing Party (distributed on a first-come, first-served basis and only 1 per person. Very limited wristbands available).

17.30: Opening speech and exhibition opening by CC Director Marie Laurberg and minister of culture Jakob Engel-Schmidt.
Musical performance walk: A Musical Journey; Links of Being

21.00 Exhibitions and Foyer closes

Connie Connie:

18.00: Bonfire, food truck and DJ Atusa

23.00 Connie Connie closes

Hall 6 CC Party x Icon Visions Closing Party

19.30 - 20.00: Hall 6 opens

20.00 - 21.00: Live Icon TV

21.00 - 21.15: Icon Visions Show

21.30 - 22.00: The Bird (Live)

22.00 - 23.00: Esben Weile Kjær (DJ)

23.00: Special Rum Paris to Berlin Bar & appearance by Infernal

23.30 - 00.00 Icon DJ´s

00.00 - 01.00: Ryong b2b Angle Wei (DJ)

01.00 - 02.00 oqbqbo (DJ)

02.00: Thank you for tonight
