Dobet Gnahoré (CI)

Dobet Gnahoré (CI)




Copenhagen, Denmark




Friday 21st of March


20:00 to 23:00


180 DKK + fee

Den Grammy-vindende sanger, danser og percussionist Dobet Gnahoré er en af Vestafrikas stærkeste musikalske stemmer, kendt for sin imponerende blanding af traditionelle afrikanske stilarter og dragende, moderne rytmer. Med sit kraftfulde udtryk og sin stærke stage presence har hun for længst etableret sig som en international kunstner, der forbinder sin rige afrikanske arv med universelle budskaber om modstandskraft og kvindefrigørelse. Gnahoré er født i Côte d'Ivoire og opvokset i et kunstnerisk miljø, hvor hendes far, den kendte percussionist Boni Gnahoré, grundlagde det kulturelle center Ki-Yi M'Bock. Her lærte Dobet Gnahoré at mestre både sang, dans og et væld af afrikanske instrumenter, og hun har siden turneret verden tynd og arbejdet utrætteligt for at sætte fokus på social retfærdighed og ligestilling gennem medrivende afropop og gribende danse- og percussionshows på scenen.

Dobet Gnahorés musik spænder bredt fra de smittende rytmer fra traditionel afrikansk musik til mere moderne, globale genrer. Hun synger på flere afrikanske sprog, men de seneste år har hun især skrevet sange på sit modersmål, Béte. Gnahorés seneste album, “Zouzou” (2024), som betyder engel, er en hyldest til Afrikas fremtid og er særligt dedikeret til kontinentets børn og ungdom. Med en karriere, der spænder over to årtier og seks albumudgivelser, er Dobet Gnahoré mere aktuel end nogensinde før. Vi er stolte af at kunne præsentere hende på ALICE til marts.


In English:
Dobet Gnahoré is one of West Africa's most powerful musical voices, blending pulsating afropop, modern rhythms, and dance performances to highlight social justice and women's liberation. For two decades, Gnahoré has toured extensively around the world, and now she's finally coming to ALICE, as the album-releasing star from Côte d'Ivoire will perform this spring.

The Grammy-winning singer, dancer, and percussionist Dobet Gnahoré is renowned as one of West Africa's strongest musical voices, known for her impressive fusion of traditional African styles and captivating modern rhythms. With her powerful expression and commanding stage presence, she has long established herself as an international artist who connects her rich African heritage with universal messages of resilience and women's empowerment. Born in Côte d'Ivoire and raised in an artistic environment, her father, the famous percussionist Boni Gnahoré, founded the cultural center Ki-Yi M'Bock. It was here that Dobet Gnahoré mastered singing, dancing, and a variety of African instruments, and she has since toured the world tirelessly, focusing on social justice and equality through captivating afropop and gripping dance and percussion performances on stage.

Dobet Gnahoré's music spans a wide range, from the infectious rhythms of traditional African music to more modern, global genres. She sings in several African languages, but in recent years, she has primarily written songs in her native tongue, Béte. Her latest album, "Zouzou" (2024), meaning angel, is a tribute to Africa's future, particularly dedicated to the continent's children and youth. With a career spanning two decades and six album releases, Dobet Gnahoré is more relevant than ever. We are proud to present her at ALICE this March.

This event has been added by Highpass contributors.

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