


Friday 2nd of May


20:00 to 22:00


100 DKK

KUUNATIC er en japansk tribal/eksperimentel/rock-trio styrket af mangfoldige globale lydbilleder og kraftfuld kvindelig vokal. Med udgangspunkt i medlemmernes forskellige musikalske og kulturelle perspektiver udforsker deres musik rituel trommespil, pulserende baslinjer, atmosfæriske keyboards og traditionelle japanske instrumenter.

I 2021 udgav de deres debutalbum "Gate of Klüna" på Glitterbeat Records, produceret af Tim DeWit (Gang Gang Dance). Albummet modtog bred anerkendelse for sit fortryllende lydbillede, der overskrider genrer og formår at være både modigt eksperimenterende og fængende. De har optrådt i hele Europa, Storbritannien og Asien, inklusive festivaler som WOMAD, Roskilde Festival, Le Guess Who? og Levitation France, blandt andre.

De vender tilbage med deres nye album "Wheels Of Ömon" i 2025, hvor der lægges større vægt på deres musikalske koncept af sci-fi-mytologi med historier, der udspiller sig på fiktive planeter, og med flere traditionelle japanske instrumenter. Albummet udkommer på Glitterbeat Records den 11. april 2025.
KUUNATIC består af Fumie Kikuchi på keyboard og vokal, Yuko Araki på trommer og vokal, og Shoko Yoshida på bas og vokal.

KUUNATIC is a thrilling tribal / experimental / rock trio bolstered by diverse global sonics and powerful female vocals. Drawing on the members’ different musical and cultural perspectives, their music explores ritual drumming, pulsing bass lines atmospheric keyboard sounds, and Japanese traditional instruments. In 2021, they released their debut album “Gate of Klüna” on Glitterbeat Records, produced by Tim DeWit (Gang Gang Dance). The record garnered widespread acclaim for its mesmerizing soundworld that transcends genres and hemispheres, succeeding in being both boldly experimental and wildly catchy. They have performed across Europe, the UK, and Asia, including appearances at festivals such as WOMAD, Roskilde Festival, Le Guess Who?, and Levitation France, to name a few.

They are coming back with their new album “Wheels Of Ömon” in 2025. It places a stronger emphasis on their musical concept of sci-fi mythology with their stories set on fictional planets, and using more traditional Japanese instruments. The album will be released from Glitterbeat Records on 11 April 2025. KUUNATIC are Fumie Kikuchi on keys and vocals, Yuko Araki on drums and vocals, Shoko Yoshida on bass and vocals.

This event has been added by Highpass contributors.

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