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Elektronisk Kærlighedsparade 2022 // 48 Timer Festival

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Elektronisk Kærlighedsparade 2022 // 48 Timer Festival


Copenhagen, Denmark




Friday 13th of May 2022


15:00 to 22:00



Hello and welcome to the first Elektronisk Kærlighedsparade, Copenhagens new 'Love Parade'.

On the 13th of May we would like to invite you to Blågårds Plads at 15:00 to a gathering of dancing souls and queer minds for a walk through the streets of Nørrebro to the sound of pumping electrictronic music, all delivered by an enigmatic local crew and some of the best local DJs Copenhagen can provide!

Buzz words: Dress up! (but please no cultural appropriation) Bubbles, Glitter is welcome, no confetti please, support you local KiOsk! B.Y.O.Water, fast shades for fast music & see u on the catwalk!

--- LINEUP: ---

Ida Engelhardt b2b Neri J
James Lotion
Johannes Astrup
Pitch Bitch

Time schedule:
15:00-16:00 Meet up at Blågårds Plads
16:00-16:15 Speech TBA
16:15-17:00 Parade at Blågårdsplads
17:00-18:00 We parade to Jagtvej 69
18:00-19:00 Parade at Jagtvej 69
19:00-20:00 Parade to final destination: Den Røde Plads
20:00-22:00 Fri Leg at Den Røde Plads

- Don’t assume pronouns (she/he/they/it +), always ask first.
- Don’t get too intoxicated, know your limits!
- No racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or sexism.
- No touching without asking and no means NO!
- No leering, you may look, but don't stare.

Consent is the basis of all positive human interactions. In a party setting, consent is a voluntary agreement between two or more people to enjoy a moment together. Unfortunately, we humans are not always very good at expressing our needs and desires. Luckily, there is a very easy solution to this: Respectful and open dialogue. Be it conversation, dance, physical contact or consumption - always be sure that the other person participates with consent. If you are in doubt, just ask. Asking for consent is cool and awe-inspiring.

Volunteers are present around and in the parade to make sure that everybody is having a good time. They know how to deal with problematic situations related to all of the above points. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you experience something unpleasant or have questions.

We welcome all sexualities.
We welcome all ethnicities.
We welcome all genders.
All we ask is that you respect your fellow dancer and enjoy RIGHT NOW

Elektronisk Kærlighedsparade - Manifest:

Formålet med Elektronisk Kærlighedsparade er afviklingen af en “kærlighedsparade” gennem København, der udvikler og fremmer forståelsen for det inkluderende elektroniske musikmiljø.

Denne fejring repræsenterer det københavnske elektroniske musikmiljø, der er en smeltedigel af kunst- og udtryksformer. Her mødes lyskunst og dekorationskunst med de nyeste musikalske tendenser indenfor techno, house, disco og trance. Disse genrer har i mere end 30 år fungeret som samlingspunkter for mennesker på tværs af lande og kulturer og har sidenhen set sin opblomstring i Danmark.

Den elektroniske scene er dog stadig en niche-kultur, og det er vores formål at brede denne inklusive kultur ud til den brede befolkning og give den almindelige københavner muligheden for at være med.
