Antistatic + Pauline Hogstrand // BASEMENT

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Antistatic + Pauline Hogstrand // BASEMENT




Copenhagen, Denmark




Thursday 7th of March 2024


20:00 to 23:00


100 DKK

• Døre: 20:00 / Showstart: 21:00
• Billetter: 100 kr. dørsalg og via følgende link: https://billetto.dk/e/antistatic-release-billetter-939462?utm_source=organiser&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=copy_link&utm_content=1


Antistatic play a trance-inducing fusion of minimalism, ambient music and heavy metal, characterized by cinematic contrasts, stretched-out forms, and a captivating tension. Their instrumental music redefines traditional rock concepts by employing guitars as percussion instruments and allowing the drums to sing in feedbacking disharmony.

On January 26th, Antistatic released their first full length album RELICS through the renowned American experimental rock label Cuneiform Records. Within the album, Antistatic investigate rhythm, patience and musical hierarchies with equal amounts of curiosity and intent. The music experiments with expectation and surprise and challenges the conventions of the use of rock instrumentation.
In the duration of RELICS, the four musicians reclaim the repetitive work usually given over to machines, using this work as a calibration of the mind. The use of repetition allows the listeners and the players to immerse themselves fully into the depths of the rhythms.


Levels of heaviness, microtonal drones throbbing patiently and on the other hand is a gentle glow as soft as sunlit mist on the water. Hogstrand’s music is equally mysterious, impervious, and celestial, shaped into series of droning, increasingly gripping textural expressions that convey a hidden narrative complexity despite their abstract makeup.

Hailing from Piteå, the northeast of Sweden, Pauline Hogstrand is an eclectic viola player and composer, based in Copenhagen since 2009. Hogstrand appears as an artist in various constellations; from Baroque ensembles and contemporary sceneries, to free improvising and composing new universes of sound. Her solo works implement composed structures in cyclic and extended forms for varied instrumentations ranging from strings, recorder, pipes, percussive instruments and synthesis, in electroacoustic and acoustic formats. Hogstrand’s music is rich within the use of harmonic and rhythmic texture in suggestive dynamic motions. Her compositions explore the inherent spectral properties of sound and their ability to transcend time and space, body and unitary. In 2020 Pauline Hogstrand released her debut solo album ‘The Enterer’, in collaboration with the Copenhagen based labels No Technique and Forlaget Kornmod. Her second album Áhkká was released in 2023 at Warm Winters Ltd. and has been received critically acclaimed.
