Nikolaj Kunsthal and Posh Isolation
Thursday 13/03/2025
19:00 At Nikolaj Kunsthal
Final Descent
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
18:30 At Xenon
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
19:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
20:30 At KLEIN
H15 Scene
Friday 14/03/2025
22:00 At H15 Scene
Den Grå Hal
Saturday 15/03/2025
19:00 At Den Grå Hal
Union KBH
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Final Descent
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Duk Op
Tuesday 18/03/2025
17:00 At Folkets Hus
Thursday 20/03/2025
19:30 At Rust
Thursday 20/03/2025
21:30 At Empire Bio
Friday 21/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Monday 24/03/2025
20:00 At Kunsthal Charlottenborg
H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
18:00 At H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
19:30 At Bremen Teater
Thursday 27/03/2025
19:30 At CAP30
Final Descent
Friday 28/03/2025
19:00 At Metronomen
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Universal Language
Sunday 30/03/2025
19:00 At Kulturhuset Indre By
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:00 At Cinemateket
Final Descent
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:30 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 02/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Thursday 03/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Final Descent and KLEIN kbh
Friday 04/04/2025
20:00 At KLEIN Kbh
Saturday 05/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 06/04/2025
12:00 At BRØK
Final Descent
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:00 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Friday 11/04/2025
18:00 At Råhuset
Final Descent
Friday 11/04/2025
19:00 At Valby Kulturhus
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Brønshøj Water Tower
Thursday 17/04/2025
19:00 At Huset's Biograf
Friday 18/04/2025
17:00 At Ungdomshuset
Wednesday 23/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Movement Shaped Like A Heart
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Musik Loppen
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Byhaven Pumpehuset
Friday 25/04/2025
15:00 At Byhaven Pumpehuset
Final Descent
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Lake House
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Blågården
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 25/04/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Saturday 26/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 27/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Tuesday 29/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Wednesday 30/04/2025
19:00 At CAP30
Thursday 01/05/2025
19:30 At Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium
Friday 02/05/2025
20:00 At KLEIN
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Vega
Botanisk Have
Tuesday 06/05/2025
16:30 At Botanisk Have
Friday 09/05/2025
20:00 At Alice
Final Descent
Saturday 10/05/2025
20:00 At LiteraturHaus
Final Descent
Wednesday 14/05/2025
20:00 At Metronomon
Monday 19/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 19/05/2025
19:30 At Råhuset
Friday 23/05/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Musik Loppen
Friday 23/05/2025
21:00 At Musik Loppen
Saturday 24/05/2025
19:00 At Xenon
Sunday 25/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 26/05/2025
19:30 At Mayhem
Wednesday 28/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Musik Loppen
Tuesday 03/06/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Tuesday 10/06/2025
19:00 At Alice
Thursday 12/06/2025
20:00 At BETA2300
Tuesday 25th of March
19:00 to 22:00
180 dkk eksl. gebyr
Slip lemmerne løs til psykedeliske forbindelser mellem afro-colombianske rytmer, cumbia og psych-rock! De gakkede syrehoveder i Los Pirañas har spillet uforglemmelige koncerter både på ALICE og Roskilde Festival, og nu vender de endelig tilbage til Danmark til foråret med nyt album. DJ Mescal åbner aftenen med sit take på lyden af Latinamerika anno 2025.
NB: Koncerten er stående
DJ Mescal
Kom tidligt, og bevæg hofterne til DJ Mescals bud på lyden af Latinamerika anno 2025: Hvor marimba møder punkede og rockede elementer og tunge beats clasher med beskidt lyrik.
Los Pirañas
Forestil dig et syret møde mellem cumbia, Kononos forvrængede trancemusik, hårdtslående techno og tropisk afrobeat. Det er lyden af de gakkede syrehoveder fra Bogota, Los Pirañas. Eblis Alvarez, Mario Galeano og Pedro Ojeda er de tre mesterlige musikere bag projektet, der indtog Colombias sydende undergrundsscene første gang i 2012 med albummet “Toma Tu Jabón Kapax”. De tre medlemmer er i øvrigt aktive i grupper som Meridian Brothers, Frente Cumbiero og Romperayo, som alle har gæstet ALICE flere gange.
Som ingen andre formår Los Pirañas at blande alverdens trancedannende dansemusik med deres egne musikalske rødder – det være sig genrer som vallenato, den peruvianske chicha, champet og raspa. Og selvom de tre medlemmer trækker deres musik i mange retninger, har de skabt en helt særligt lyd og et fængende groove, som ikke er til at tage fejl af. Det kan man høre på deres forrygende plader, og det kan man skrive under på, hvis man var heldig at opleve bandet da de spillede på ALICE tilbage i 2018. Live giver Los Pirañas et medrivende show, hvor de med ukuelig spilleglæde og flippede visuals når langt ud over scenekanten. Når Los Pirañas vender tilbage til ALICE er de aktuelle med nyt album.
In English:
Let loose to the psychedelic connections between Afro-Colombian rhythms, cumbia, and psych-rock! The quirky acid-heads in Los Pirañas have delivered unforgettable performances at both ALICE and Roskilde Festival, and now they are finally returning to Denmark this spring with a new album. DJ Mescal opens the night with their take on what Latin America sounds like in 2025.
DJ Mescal
Arrive early, and move your hips to DJ Mescal’s interpretation of contemporary Latin American sounds: Marimba meets punk and rock elements, while heavy beats clash with dirty lyrics.
Los Pirañas
Imagine a trippy encounter between cumbia, Konono’s distorted trance music, hard-hitting techno, and tropical afrobeat. That’s the sound of the wacky acid-heads from Bogotá, Los Pirañas. Eblis Alvarez, Mario Galeano, and Pedro Ojeda are the three masterful musicians behind the project, which first took over Colombia’s sizzling underground scene in 2012 with the album “Toma Tu Jabón Kapax.” The three members are also active in groups like Meridian Brothers, Frente Cumbiero, and Romperayo, all of which have performed at ALICE several times.
Like no one else, Los Pirañas manage to blend trance-inducing dance music from around the world with their own musical roots – genres such as vallenato, Peruvian chicha, champeta, and raspa. And even though the three members pull their music in many directions, they’ve created a unique sound and a captivating groove that’s unmistakable. You can hear this on their brilliant records, and anyone lucky enough to have seen them perform at ALICE in 2018 can vouch for it. Live, Los Pirañas put on a thrilling show where their unstoppable joy of playing and trippy visuals extend far beyond the stage. When Los Pirañas return to ALICE, they’ll be presenting their latest album.
This event has been added by Highpass contributors.
if you know that any of this information is out of date, please let us know.