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Copenhagen, Denmark
Art, Talk
Friday 7th of June 2024
17:00 to 20:00
Oplev sommerens store udstilling på Kunsthal Charlottenborg, der undersøger den danske kunstner og professor Simon Dybbroe Møllers kunstneriske arbejder gennem de sidste 20 år. Vi glæder os til at se dig til åbningen:
Umiddelbart inden åbningen af udstillingen kan du opleve en samtale mellem Simon Dybbroe Møller og kurator Krist Gruijthuijsen, pladserne fordeles efter først-til-mølle. Der er gratis entré og alle er velkomne. Læs mere her:
16.00 Talk med Simon Dybbroe Møller & Krist Gruijthuijsen
17.00 Taler og åbning af Thick & Thin
17.20 Baren er åben, musik af Erdal Bilici b2b Lukas Danys
20.00 Tak for i aften
Om udstillingen:
Simon Dybbroe Møller undersøger og komplicerer i sin praksis gængse modsætningspar: kopi og original, motiv og afbildning. Kunstneren afprøver, hvad skulptur er eller kan være i en verden, der er styret af det fotografiske; en verden, hvor både vores opmærksomhed, og økonomien som sådan, er rykket fra det fysiske objekt til det fotografiske billede.
'Thick & Thin' peger på denne optagethed af forholdet mellem skulptur (thick) og billede (thin) såvel som på de svinkeærinder og snørklede veje der fører igennem to årtiers kunstnerisk praksis – gennem ”tykt og tyndt”. Snarere end at låse sig fast på ét bestemt medie eller én bestemt stil, afsøger han løbende nye territorier idet han bevæger sig mellem film, fotografi, fundne objekter, installation, skulptur, performance, tekster, kuratering og undervisning.
Simon Dybbroe Møller er født i Aarhus i 1976 og har siden 2019 været professor på Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedhuggerskole i København. Han har tidligere haft soloudstillinger i flere internationale institutioner samt deltaget på bienaler og på gruppeudstilliner verden over. Simon Dybbroe Møller er stifter af performanceprogrammet Why Words Now og driver sammen med kunstneren Nina Beier udstillingsstedet AYE-AYE i København.
'Thick & Thin' er udviklet i tæt samarbejde mellem kunstneren og kurator Krist Gruijthuijsen, direktør for KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Berlin.
Udstillingen er støttet af Augustinus Fonden, Beckett-Fonden, Det Obelske Familiefond, Ny Carlsbergfondet, Statens Kunstfond, William Demant Fonden samt Belvedere 21, Galleri FRANCESCA MININI, Fastighetaktiebolaget Folkets Hus i Stockholm, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Sammlung Ivo Moser.
Billede: Simon Dybbroe Møller, Homo Slomo, 2011 (detalje). Mekanisk mannequin, akryl, hår, gips, tusch. Foto af Andrej Vasilenko. Udlånt af kunstneren.
This summer’s major exhibition at Kunsthal Charlottenborg presents a survey of the work of Danish artist Simon Dybbroe Møller from the past 20 years. We look forward to seeing you at the opening:
Just before the exhibition opens, you can experience a conversation between Simon Dybbroe Møller and curator Krist Gruijthuijsen, seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. More info here:
16.00 Talk with Simon Dybbroe Møller & Krist Gruijthuijsen
17.00 Speeches and opening of Thick & Thin
17.20 The bar is open, music by Erdal Bilici b2b Lukas Danys
20.00 Thank you for coming!
About the exhibition:
In his practice, Simon Dybbroe Møller investigates and complicates common binaries: copy and original, motif and depiction. The artist tests what sculpture is or can be, in a world that is dictated by the photographic; a world where our economy and attention has shifted from the object to the image.
'Thick & Thin' hints at this preoccupation with the relationship between sculpture (thick) and imagery (thin) as well as the twists and turns of two decades of artistic practice – through “thick and thin”. His solo exhibitions often have the atmosphere of carefully curated group shows, and many works chosen for the exhibition use autobiographical elements to examine notions of identity and representation, and question tropes and mechanisms of depiction. Rather than settling into one medium or style, Dybbroe Møller continuously probes new territories, moving between film, photography, found objects, installation, sculpture, performance, writing, curating and teaching.
Simon Dybbroe Møller was born in Aarhus in 1976 and has been professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts' School of Sculpture in Copenhagen since 2019. He has previously had solo exhibitions in several international institutions as well as participated in biennials and group exhibitions worldwide. Simon Dybbroe Møller is the founder of the performance program Why Words Now and, together with the artist Nina Beier, runs the exhibition site AYE-AYE in Copenhagen.
'Thick & Thin' has been developed in close collaboration between the artist and with curator Krist Gruijthuijsen, director KW Institute of Contemporary Art in Berlin.
The exhibition is supported by The Augustinus Foundation, The Beckett Foundation, The Danish Arts Foundation, The New Carlsberg Foundation, The Obel Family Foundation, The William Demant Foundation as well as Belvedere 21, Gallery FRANCESCA MININI, Fastighetaktiebolaget Folkets Hus in Stockholm, The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Sammlung Ivo Moser.
Image: Simon Dybbroe Møller, Homo Slomo, 2011 (detail). Mechanic mannequin, akrylic, hair, plaster, marker.
Photo by Andrej Vasilenko. Courtesy of the artist.