Nikolaj Kunsthal and Posh Isolation
Thursday 13/03/2025
19:00 At Nikolaj Kunsthal
Final Descent
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
18:30 At Xenon
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
19:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
20:30 At KLEIN
H15 Scene
Friday 14/03/2025
22:00 At H15 Scene
Den Grå Hal
Saturday 15/03/2025
19:00 At Den Grå Hal
Union KBH
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Final Descent
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Duk Op
Tuesday 18/03/2025
17:00 At Folkets Hus
Thursday 20/03/2025
19:30 At Rust
Thursday 20/03/2025
21:30 At Empire Bio
Friday 21/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Monday 24/03/2025
20:00 At Kunsthal Charlottenborg
H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
18:00 At H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
19:30 At Bremen Teater
Thursday 27/03/2025
19:30 At CAP30
Final Descent
Friday 28/03/2025
19:00 At Metronomen
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Universal Language
Sunday 30/03/2025
19:00 At Kulturhuset Indre By
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:00 At Cinemateket
Final Descent
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:30 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 02/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Thursday 03/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Final Descent and KLEIN kbh
Friday 04/04/2025
20:00 At KLEIN Kbh
Saturday 05/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 06/04/2025
12:00 At BRØK
Final Descent
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:00 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Friday 11/04/2025
18:00 At Råhuset
Final Descent
Friday 11/04/2025
19:00 At Valby Kulturhus
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Brønshøj Water Tower
Thursday 17/04/2025
19:00 At Huset's Biograf
Friday 18/04/2025
17:00 At Ungdomshuset
Wednesday 23/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Movement Shaped Like A Heart
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Musik Loppen
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Byhaven Pumpehuset
Friday 25/04/2025
15:00 At Byhaven Pumpehuset
Final Descent
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Lake House
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Blågården
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 25/04/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Saturday 26/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 27/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Tuesday 29/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Wednesday 30/04/2025
19:00 At CAP30
Thursday 01/05/2025
19:30 At Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium
Friday 02/05/2025
20:00 At KLEIN
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Vega
Botanisk Have
Tuesday 06/05/2025
16:30 At Botanisk Have
Friday 09/05/2025
20:00 At Alice
Final Descent
Saturday 10/05/2025
20:00 At LiteraturHaus
Final Descent
Wednesday 14/05/2025
20:00 At Metronomon
Monday 19/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 19/05/2025
19:30 At Råhuset
Friday 23/05/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Musik Loppen
Friday 23/05/2025
21:00 At Musik Loppen
Saturday 24/05/2025
19:00 At Xenon
Sunday 25/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 26/05/2025
19:30 At Mayhem
Wednesday 28/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Musik Loppen
Tuesday 03/06/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Tuesday 10/06/2025
19:00 At Alice
Thursday 12/06/2025
20:00 At BETA2300
Copenhagen, Denmark
Friday 11th of April
19:00 to 22:00
130 DKK
Join us for a drone-filled evening when Final Descent and Fanø Free Folk Festival invite you inside at Valby Kulturhus for a double concert with British Alison Cotton and local Emil Palme.
Alison Cotton's dark and mysterious music is a journey into the darker corners of the mind. Sorrowful loops of voices and viola unite in hypnotic, elongated sound universes that exist somewhere between psychedelic free-folk, goth and doom.
Emil Palme is a composer and guitarist whose practice is rooted in Scandinavian folklore and experimental music. His expanded guitar techniques are further explored on his second solo release, Death by Angel, which this concert celebrates the release of.
Alison Cotton (UK):
Since Alison Cotton made her solo album debut in 2018, she has established herself as one of the great exponents of the new wave of experimental British folk music.
Starting from looped, chanting vocals and mournful violas, Cotton builds enigmatic and otherworldly soundscapes, where the dark, timeless spirit of folk music floats between a multitude of references – from psychedelic neo-folk and goth-rock to high-pitched choral music and crushing doom.
In 2024, Cotton released her sixth solo album, Engelchen – a concept album that tells the true story of sisters Ida and Louise Cook from Sunderland in Nazi-occupied Europe in the 1930s. Through the international networks they built through their passion for opera, they helped a number of Jews escape from Germany and Poland in the years leading up to World War II. The people they saved affectionately referred to them as Engelchen, and their story is a tale of remarkable courage and humanity.
Emil Palme (DK) :
Death by angel is Emil Palme's second solo album. The work is a "doom requiem" that illustrates the path from life to the afterlife. The music is inspired by ancient mythology, where the angel of death guides our soul through the unknown. Each movement in the work is a passage, that represents the inevitable journey all living beings must take.
Stones are strung like bows against the strings of the electric guitar, which in chanting and plaintive patterns produces a dystopian and ceremonial primordial sound that lies on the border between composition and Improvisation is used to unfold the music.
There is a kind of primal power and a vital simplicity in the expression, which can be compared to certain of the nooks and crannies of Morton Feldman or the new Malone/O'Malley coalition.
Death by angel is released on the new Danish label Vasen, and is the successor to the debut album Ripen from 2023.
Alison Cotton (UK):
Siden Alison Cotton albumdebuterede som solist i 2018, har hun markeret sig som en af tidens store eksponenter for den nye bølge af eksperimenterende britisk folkemusik.
Med udgangspunkt i loopet, messende vokal og sørgmodige violaer opbygger Cotton gådefulde og andetverdslige lydlandskaber, hvor folkemusikkens mørke, tidløse ånd svæver mellem et væld af referencer – fra psykedelisk neo-folk og goth-rock til højstemt kormusik og knusende doom.
I 2024 udgav Cotton sit sjette soloalbum, Engelchen – et konceptalbum, der skildrer den sande historie om søstrene Ida og Louise Cook fra Sunderland i 1930’ernes nazibesatte Europa. Gennem de internationale netværk, de opbyggede via deres passion for opera, hjalp de en række jøder med at flygte fra Tyskland og Polen i årene op til Anden Verdenskrig. De mennesker, de reddede, omtalte dem kærligt som Engelchen, og deres historie er en beretning om bemærkelsesværdigt mod og medmenneskelighed.
Emil Palme (DK):
Death by angel er Emil Palme’s andet soloalbum. Værket er et "doom rekviem", der illustrerer vejen fra livet til efterlivet. Musikken er inspireret af gammel mytologi, hvor dødens engel guider vores sjæl igennem det ukendte. Hver sats i værket er en passage, der repræsentere den uundgåelige rejse alle levende væsener må tage.
Sten stryges som buer mod elguitarens strenge, der i messende og klagende mønstre frembringer en dystopisk og ceremoniel urlyd, der i grænsen mellem komposition og improvisation bruges til at udfolde musikken.
Der findes en slags urkraft og en vital enkelhed i udtrykket, som kan sammenlignes med visse af afkroge af Morton Feldman eller den nye Malone/O'Malley-koalition.
Death by angel udgives på det nye danske label Vasen, og er efterfølgeren på debutalbummet Ripen fra 2023.
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