Nubiyan Twist (UK)

Nubiyan Twist (UK)




Copenhagen, Denmark




Friday 9th of May


20:00 to 23:30


200 dkk eksl. gebyr / Ungpris 170 eksl. gebyr

Nubiyan Twist blev etableret tilbage i 2011 på Leeds College of Music. Her skabte de deres bigbandagtige og referencerige lyd, der trækker på jazz, hip-hop, afrobe​​at, dancehall, soul, reggae og elektronisk musik. Det eklektiske ensemble tæller hele ni musikere på alt fra saxofon til vokal og trompet. Sammen skaber de en varm og medrivende lyd med uimodståelige, dansable grooves og sangtekster, der emmer af livsmod: “This life, it isn’t for the faint-hearted/ I try to be open-hearted,” lyder det for eksempel på nummeret “Battle Isn’t Over” fra ensemblets fjerde album, ‘Find your flame’, der udkom sidste år.

Albummet er en energifyldt fusion af jazz, funk og soul, tilført elektroniske elementer og spontane improvisationer. Lyden er en logisk følge af ensemblets 9-personers-størrelse: Det er et snapshot af en fællesmængde af musikalske indflydelser og personlige erfaringer. Som bandets ene frontperson (den anden er Aziza Jaye) og producer Tom Excell har formuleret det: “A catharsis for our struggles, yet a vessel for our joy. Navigating through COVID, the magic of becoming a new parent, undergoing a vital leg amputation, recovering from car accidents, losing loved ones and forming new friendships have all shaped this music.”
Vi har tidligere haft fornøjelsen af det absolut uimodståelige danseband på ALICE – og vi glæder os til igen at flytte fødderne til deres groovy, messingblæseranførte lyd til maj!”


In English:
Nubiyan Twist delivers an energetic fusion of jazz, funk, and soul that makes it nearly impossible to stand still. Known for their phenomenal live performances, this nine-piece ensemble invites you to join the euphoria when they take the stage at ALICE this May!

Nubiyan Twist was formed in 2011 at Leeds College of Music. Here, the ensemble developed their big-band-ish and reference-rich sound, drawing from jazz, hip-hop, afrobeat, dancehall, soul, reggae, and dance music. The eclectic ensemble consists of nine musicians, playing everything from saxophone to vocals and trumpet. Together, they create a warm and captivating sound with irresistible, danceable grooves and lyrics brimming with vitality. As they sing on “Battle Isn’t Over” from their fourth album ‘Find Your Flame’, released last year: “This life, it isn’t for the faint-hearted / I try to be open-hearted.”

The album is a vibrant fusion of jazz, funk, and soul, infused with electronic elements and spontaneous improvisation. The sound naturally reflects the nine-piece lineup—it’s a snapshot of shared musical influences and personal experiences. As one of the band’s two frontpersons (the other being Aziza Jaye) and producer Tom Excell puts it: “A catharsis for our struggles, yet a vessel for our joy. Navigating through COVID, the magic of becoming a new parent, undergoing a vital leg amputation, recovering from car accidents, losing loved ones, and forming new friendships have all shaped this music.”

We’ve previously had the pleasure of hosting this absolutely irresistible dance band at ALICE—and we can’t wait to move our feet to their groovy, brass-led sound once again this May!

This event has been added by Highpass contributors.

if you know that any of this information is out of date, please let us know.
