SLIM0 Rock Choir X Beboerhuset

This event has passed

SLIM0 Rock Choir X Beboerhuset


Monday 31st of March


19:00 to 21:00


40 dkk

SLIM0 and Christianshavns Beboerhus are once again inviting you to a multi-voice ROCK choir!
SLIM0 will arrange some of their favorite rock tunes in multi-voice arrangements, and together with Christianshavns Beboerhus, open the doors to a space where we blend our voices together and harmonize rock.
We will work with different ways of using the voice, from full register to shoegaze-soft singing to slacker-style, and perhaps give each other a rush of camaraderie.
We will sing tunes by The Cranes, HOLE, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, The Cranberries, Savage Rose, Metallica, among others.

** DANSK **
SLIM0 og Christianshavns Beboerhus inviterer igen til flerstemmigt ROCK-kor!
SLIM0 vil arrangere nogle af deres favorit rock tunes i flerstemmige arrangementer, og sammen med Christianshavns Beboerhus åbne dørene til et rum, hvor vi blander vores stemmer med hinanden og harmoniserer rocken.
Vi kommer til at arbejde med forskellige måder at bruge stemmen på lige fra fuldregister til shoegaze-soft singing til slacker-stil, og måske giver vi hinanden en rus af følelse af kammeratskab.
Vi skal blandt andet synge tunes af The Cranes, HOLE, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, The Cranberries, Savage Rose, Metallica….

This event has been added by Highpass contributors.

if you know that any of this information is out of date, please let us know.
