18:30 At Xenon
Christianshavn Beboerhus
19:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
God Goes Deep
20:00 At Sankt Thomas Kirke
20:30 At KLEIN
H15 Scene
22:00 At H15 Scene
Den Grå Hal
Saturday 15/03/2025
19:00 At Den Grå Hal
Union KBH
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Final Descent
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Duk Op
Tuesday 18/03/2025
17:00 At Folkets Hus
Thursday 20/03/2025
19:30 At Rust
Thursday 20/03/2025
21:30 At Empire Bio
Friday 21/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Monday 24/03/2025
20:00 At Kunsthal Charlottenborg
H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
18:00 At H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
19:30 At Bremen Teater
Thursday 27/03/2025
19:30 At CAP30
Final Descent
Friday 28/03/2025
19:00 At Metronomen
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Mayhem
Universal Language
Sunday 30/03/2025
19:00 At Kulturhuset Indre By
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:00 At Cinemateket
Final Descent
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:30 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 02/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Thursday 03/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Final Descent and KLEIN kbh
Friday 04/04/2025
20:00 At KLEIN Kbh
Saturday 05/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 06/04/2025
12:00 At BRØK
Final Descent
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:00 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Friday 11/04/2025
18:00 At Råhuset
Final Descent
Friday 11/04/2025
19:00 At Valby Kulturhus
Noisy Beehive
Friday 11/04/2025
20:00 At Klein
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Brønshøj Water Tower
Thursday 17/04/2025
19:00 At Huset's Biograf
Friday 18/04/2025
17:00 At Ungdomshuset
Wednesday 23/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Movement Shaped Like A Heart
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Musik Loppen
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Byhaven Pumpehuset
Friday 25/04/2025
15:00 At Byhaven Pumpehuset
Final Descent
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Lake House
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Blågården
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 25/04/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Saturday 26/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 27/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Tuesday 29/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Wednesday 30/04/2025
19:00 At CAP30
Absolute Music Cph
Thursday 01/05/2025
19:30 At Mayhem
Thursday 01/05/2025
19:30 At Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium
Friday 02/05/2025
20:00 At KLEIN
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Vega
Botanisk Have
Tuesday 06/05/2025
16:30 At Botanisk Have
Friday 09/05/2025
20:00 At Alice
Final Descent
Saturday 10/05/2025
20:00 At LiteraturHaus
Final Descent
Wednesday 14/05/2025
20:00 At Metronomon
Thursday 15/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 19/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 19/05/2025
19:30 At Råhuset
Friday 23/05/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Musik Loppen
Friday 23/05/2025
21:00 At Musik Loppen
Saturday 24/05/2025
19:00 At Xenon
Sunday 25/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 26/05/2025
19:30 At Mayhem
Wednesday 28/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Musik Loppen
Tuesday 03/06/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Tuesday 10/06/2025
19:00 At Alice
Thursday 12/06/2025
20:00 At BETA2300
This event has passed
Friday 7th of June 2024
19:00 to 23:00
90 DKK
D. 7. juni indtager foreningen UNDERFLADEN spillestedet Mayhem med fire acts fra den danske undergrund. Foreningen stod bag festivalen Mørke Dage, der fandt sted i Aalborg i 2014-15 og Aarhus 2016. Underfladen forsøger at skubbe til grænserne for konventionelle kulturoplevelser ved at eksperimentere med forholdet mellem kunstner, publikum og rum.
På Mayhem fortsætter vi i Mørke Dages ånd hvor vi, primært gennem lyd, bliver konfronteret med temaer som brutalitet, ensomhed, angst, håbløshed og raseri - samtidig med, at der søges forbundethed og håb i en ellers håbløs tid.
GREV TROLD (aka Claus Haxholm) er intet mindre end et one-man black metal-band fra den sydøstlige del af Jylland. Bandet er passende opkaldt efter Grev Trolle, en lokal pirat kendt for sin brutalitet og hovedpersonen i en legende, der byder på ekstraordinær snedighed, familiehævn og afskårne hoveder. Som de fleste pirater var Grev Trolle både en integreret del af den tidlige kapitalistiske historie, mens han trodsede dens konventioner med oprørsk inderlighed. Med gysende skrig og frenetiske guitarudbrud falder de forvirrede lyde af Grev Trold ned i uhyggelige feberagtige hallucinationer om brutalitet og ofre i en kold fjern mytologisk fortid.
LIBERTINER er et band med fire medlemmer bestående af guitar, bas, trommer og vokal, hvis genreoverskridende og tunge lyd ikke har til hensigt at fornøje sine lyttere, men nærmere at skubbe dem ud over kanten, og ind i det fremmede og ukendte land. Det er lyden af en mere eller mindre ligegyldig klump nutid, der skramler, reproducerer sig, udarter sig, bygger nye manifestationer og vælter i et fortsat, skønt-uskønt spektakel. Stilhed, repetition, monotone forskydninger, støj. Hvilken stilhed er mere larmende end ensomheden i en ørken, menneskets angst udspændt på en line eller åndedrættets simple banken?
DEB FOAM (aka Fathma Fahmi) er en København-baseret elektronisk producer, som bruger musik og lyd som et middel til at udtrykke og håndtere de ofte overvældende følelser, der kan være svære at identificere og formulere. Hendes produktioner er kendetegnet af deres aggressive og tunge lyd, der afspejler temaer som hævn, håbløshed og raseri, der løber gennem hendes arbejde. På trods af intensiteten af disse temaer, er der også en følelse af legesyge og eksperimenter i Deb Foams musik, alt imens hun konstant søger efter nye måder at kanalisere og frigive sin indre verden gennem lyd, som en form for healing.
FLAVIA HUARACHI er en boliviansk/dansk performer, fløjtenist, vokalist og komponist, som har flere års erfaring som professionel, klassisk musiker og som nu bevæger sig mere ind i den eksperimenterende undergrundsscene. I hendes musik og performances er der en gennemgående intention om at sammenflette de forskellige kulturelle opfattelser af, hvad musik er og at skabe udfordrende, immersive oplevelser for sit publikum. Vi har inviteret Huarachi til at fungere som en samlende aktør, der bryder med de brutale og overvældende vægge af støj og som skaber en pause til refleksion og forsoning.
Eventet er støttet af Københavns Kommune, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg og Østerbropuljen.
UNDERFLADEN is a platform for interdisciplinary examinations through music, art and knowledge. In 2014 the association started the festival Mørke Dage, which took place in Aalborg in 2015 and in Aarhus in 2016. Underfladen seeks to push the boundaries of conventional cultural experiences by experimenting with the relationship between artist, audience and space.
On June 7th, Underfladen takes over Mayhem with four acts from the Danish underground. This evening continues in the spirit of Mørke Dage, where, primarily through sound, we are confronted with themes such as brutality, loneliness, anxiety, hopelessness and rage - while seeking a sense of purpose and belonging in hopeless times.
GREV TROLD is a one-person black metal band from the southeastern expanse of Jutland. The chosen moniker pays tribute to an enigmatic local pirate of that particular area – Grev Trolle. Much like the swashbuckling pirates of old, Grev Trolle embodied a paradoxical existence, seamlessly entwined with the tapestry of early capitalist history while defying its conventions with rebellious fervor. Currently signed with Galvorn Records, Grev Trold has already released a cassette and continues to work on new material, further expanding his black metal project.
LIBERTINER is a band with four members consisting of guitar, bass, drums and vocals, whose genre-crossing and heavy sound does not intend to please its listeners, but rather to push them over the edge and into foreign territories. It is the sound of a chunk of the present that rattles, reproduces, degenerates, builds new manifestations and tumbles in a continuous, beautiful-unbeautiful spectacle. Silence, repetition, monotonous shifts, noise. Which silence is more noisy than the solitude of a desert, the anguish of man stretched on a line, or the simple knock of the breath?
Channeling influences from bass music, noise, and dark ambient, DEB FOAM’s sound is defined by raw intensity and emotional depth. Visceral basslines and intricate drum programming create a dynamic foundation, layered with haunting vocals and atmospheric textures. This unique soundscape evokes a sense of industrial grit and emotional catharsis, resonating with listeners seeking a powerful and introspective musical experience. More than just sonic experimentation, Deb Foam's music delves into the complexities of human emotion. Tracks serve as a cathartic outlet for anger, frustration, and vulnerability, offering an unflinching exploration of the human condition.
FLAVIA HUARACHIi is a Bolivian/Danish performer, flutist, vocalist and composer who has several years of experience as a professional, classical musician and who is now moving more into the experimental underground scene. In her music and performances, there is a pervasive intention to intertwine the different cultural perceptions of what music is - and to create challenging, immersive experiences for her audience. Underfladen has invited Huarachi to function as a unifying actor, who disrupts the brutal and overwhelming walls of noise and creates a space for reflection and reconciliation.
The event is kindly supported by Københavns Kommune, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg and Østerbropuljen.