Nikolaj Kunsthal and Posh Isolation
Thursday 13/03/2025
19:00 At Nikolaj Kunsthal
Final Descent
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
18:30 At Xenon
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
19:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
20:30 At KLEIN
H15 Scene
Friday 14/03/2025
22:00 At H15 Scene
Den Grå Hal
Saturday 15/03/2025
19:00 At Den Grå Hal
Union KBH
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Final Descent
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Duk Op
Tuesday 18/03/2025
17:00 At Folkets Hus
Thursday 20/03/2025
19:30 At Rust
Thursday 20/03/2025
21:30 At Empire Bio
Friday 21/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Monday 24/03/2025
20:00 At Kunsthal Charlottenborg
H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
18:00 At H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
19:30 At Bremen Teater
Thursday 27/03/2025
19:30 At CAP30
Final Descent
Friday 28/03/2025
19:00 At Metronomen
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Universal Language
Sunday 30/03/2025
19:00 At Kulturhuset Indre By
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:00 At Cinemateket
Final Descent
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:30 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 02/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Thursday 03/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Final Descent and KLEIN kbh
Friday 04/04/2025
20:00 At KLEIN Kbh
Saturday 05/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 06/04/2025
12:00 At BRØK
Final Descent
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:00 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Friday 11/04/2025
18:00 At Råhuset
Final Descent
Friday 11/04/2025
19:00 At Valby Kulturhus
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Brønshøj Water Tower
Thursday 17/04/2025
19:00 At Huset's Biograf
Friday 18/04/2025
17:00 At Ungdomshuset
Wednesday 23/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Movement Shaped Like A Heart
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Musik Loppen
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Byhaven Pumpehuset
Friday 25/04/2025
15:00 At Byhaven Pumpehuset
Final Descent
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Lake House
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Blågården
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 25/04/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Saturday 26/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 27/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Tuesday 29/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Wednesday 30/04/2025
19:00 At CAP30
Thursday 01/05/2025
19:30 At Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium
Friday 02/05/2025
20:00 At KLEIN
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Vega
Botanisk Have
Tuesday 06/05/2025
16:30 At Botanisk Have
Friday 09/05/2025
20:00 At Alice
Final Descent
Saturday 10/05/2025
20:00 At LiteraturHaus
Final Descent
Wednesday 14/05/2025
20:00 At Metronomon
Monday 19/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 19/05/2025
19:30 At Råhuset
Friday 23/05/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Musik Loppen
Friday 23/05/2025
21:00 At Musik Loppen
Saturday 24/05/2025
19:00 At Xenon
Sunday 25/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 26/05/2025
19:30 At Mayhem
Wednesday 28/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Musik Loppen
Tuesday 03/06/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Tuesday 10/06/2025
19:00 At Alice
Thursday 12/06/2025
20:00 At BETA2300
Saturday 24th of May
19:00 to 23:59
90 dkk
“This is what it sounds like when I think” er en audio-visuel performativ udforskning af hvordan et digitalt musikinstrument (Tankelyd) styret af Jeppe Forchhammers hjernebølger, der er født med Cerebral Parese, kan indgå i en mere tilgængelig lydskabende praksis.
Performancen er også et ønske om at vise mulighederne for mennesker med forskellige funktionsniveauer til ikke blot at skabe lyd på nye måder, men også friheden til at udforske deres eget kreative indre i fællesskab med andre.
“This is what it sounds like when I think” består af Jeppe Forchhammer (Livskunstner), Frederik la Cour (Lydkunstner) og Thomas Seidelin (Visuel kunstner).
Sammen har de udviklet instrumentet Tankelyd, som den audio-visuelle performance vil udforske.
Efter performancen vil der være en Q&A der er til for at kunne stille spørgsmål og vil blive kurateret til at omhandle musik skabelse med hjernebølger og teknologiens muligheder og rolle i et mere inkluderende musikmiljø i Danmark.
“This is what it sounds like when I think” og Tankelyd er første skridt i en større vision om at skubbe til musik skabelse, inspirere nye samarbejder og udfordre musikkens grænser gennem inkluderende sammenspil på tværs af fysiske forudsætninger.
er et koncept, hvor kunstnere inden for forskellige kunstneriske områder får en uges kunstnerisk residens i Husets black box XENON på 4 sal i HUSET.
I en uge, får kunstnerne en mulighed for at eksperimentere og skabe en unik tværkunstnerisk performance, som kun kan opleves den pågældende uge.
Venue: Xenon, 4th floor
Doors: 19.00
Show: 20:00
Price: 90 DKK
NB: Audience will be sitting on chairs
“This is what it sounds like when I think” is an audio-visual performative exploration of how a digital musical instrument (Tankelyd), controlled by the brainwaves of Jeppe Forchhammer, who was born with Cerebral Palsy, can be part of a more accessible sound-creating practice.
The performance also aims to showcase the possibilities for people with different functional abilities—not only to create sound in new ways but also to experience the freedom of exploring their own creative inner world in collaboration with others.
“This is what it sounds like when I think” consists of Jeppe Forchhammer (Life Artist), Frederik la Cour (Sound Artist), and Thomas Seidelin (Visual Artist). Together, they have developed the instrument Tankelyd, which the audio-visual performance will explore.
After the performance, there will be a Q&A session designed for questions, curated to focus on music creation with brainwaves and the role of technology in fostering a more inclusive music environment in Denmark.
“This is what it sounds like when I think” and Tankelyd mark the first step in a larger vision to push the boundaries of music creation, inspire new collaborations, and challenge musical limits through inclusive interplay across different physical abilities.
is a concept where artists within different artistic spheres are given a weeks artistic residency in our black box stage Xenon at the 4th floor in HUSET.
Their residency is an opportunity to create a unique cross-artistic performance only to be experienced that week.
This event has been added by Highpass contributors.
if you know that any of this information is out of date, please let us know.