God Goes Deep presents Precious Mayhem ( ambient live set )

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God Goes Deep presents Precious Mayhem ( ambient live set )


Copenhagen, Denmark


Kirkeskibet 2450




Wednesday 19th of February


19:30 to 21:00



Vi har en helt særlig onsdag aften i vente, God Goes Deep på vandet!!

Kom og oplev en enestående intim onsdag aften, hvor Precious Mayhem / Amanda Drew, skaber et blødt, drømmende ambient live set – skræddersyet til denne særlige aften.

Der er fri entré og alle er velkomne!

Der er begrænsede pladser, mød blot op!!

Onsdag d. 19 Februar 2025:
Kl.19.30 Døre
Kl.20.00 – 21.00 Precious Mayhem live act

Smukt lys skabes af @b612group

Bag Precious Mayhem står Amanda Drew (Natlyst) – komponist, cellist og vokalist. Med cello, synthesizer, guitar og vokal væver hun et dragende lydunivers, hvor kammermusik møder 90’er-techno og eksperimenterende avantpop. Hendes sange balancerer mellem mørke og håb, med konfronterende tekster, bjergtagende melodier og en stemme, der synger os til ro og oprør.
Debutalbummet The Softness I Sing (2024) tager lytteren med ind i en verden af søvngængersange – en rejse gennem angst, omsorg og forløsning.

Vi glæder os !! <3


Experience a unique, intimate live act on the water at kirkeskibet!

A Wednesday evening on the water with God Goes Deep.

Free entry - everyone is welcome !
There are limited places and it is first come, first served!

Wednesday the 19th of February 2025

Doors : 19.30
Precious Mayhem live act : 20.00 – 21.00

Artist info:
Precious Mayhem creates a soft, dreamy ambient live set – tailor-made for this special night. Behind Precious Mayhem is Amanda Drew (Natlyst) – composer, cellist and vocalist.
With cello, synthesizer, guitar and vocals, she weaves an alluring sound universe where chamber music meets 90s techno and experimental avant-pop. Her songs balance between darkness and hope, with confronting lyrics, captivating melodies and a voice that sings us to calm and rebellion. The debut album The Softness I Sing (2024) takes the listener into a world of sleepwalking songs – a journey through anxiety, care and redemption.
We are so looking forward to it!!

This event has been added by Highpass contributors.

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