Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Quintet (jp) at ALICE

Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Quintet (jp) at ALICE




Copenhagen, Denmark




Tuesday 27th of May


19:00 to 23:00


180 dkk eksl. gebyr

Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet (ONJQ) er et free jazz-ensemble ført an af den velrenommerede komponist, producer, guitarist og turntablist Otomo Yoshihide. Den japanske elektroakustiske virtuos, der er en musikalsk superstjerne i sit hjemland, er kendt for sin ikonoklastiske tilgang til jazzmusikken. Med sit ensemble balancerer han mellem melodiske strukturer og intense øjeblikke af improvisation.

Otomo Yoshihide har over 100 udgivelser bag sig, blandt andet som film- og tv-komponist og som en del af den eksperimenterende rockgruppe Ground Zero. I 2001 skabte han Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet. Som en del af ensemblets næsten udsolgte Europaturné kunne man sidste år opleve dem under Vinterjazz i København. Vi glæder os til at København igen får besøg af musikeren, der på en gang destruerer og imponerer med sit eksperimenterende take på jazzmusikken!
Sagt om Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet:
“Yoshihide's band, following the hallowed jazz model of reinterpretation, has taken music seemingly outside their realm and played it like it could never have belonged to anyone else. It's this kind of creative ambition (and the ability to pull the music off) that should inspire non-believers to take a closer look at new jazz. It's as good as it ever was.” – Pitchfork


In English:
In his homeland, Otomo Yoshihide is a musical superstar. This May, the Japanese free jazz virtuoso visits ALICE with his ensemble, bringing their genre-defying and experimental approach to jazz music to ALICE’s stage!
Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet (ONJQ) is a free jazz ensemble led by the renowned composer, producer, guitarist, and turntablist Otomo Yoshihide. The Japanese electroacoustic virtuoso, a musical icon in his home country, is known for his iconoclastic approach to jazz. With his ensemble, he masterfully balances melodic structures with intense moments of improvisation.

Otomo Yoshihide has more than 100 releases behind him, including works as a film and TV composer and as part of the experimental rock group Ground Zero. In 2001, Otomo Yoshihide founded Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet. As part of their nearly sold-out European tour last year, the ensemble performed at Vinterjazz in Copenhagen. Now, we eagerly anticipate the return of this groundbreaking musician, whose experimental take on jazz is both destructive and dazzling!
Said about Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet:
“Yoshihide's band, following the hallowed jazz model of reinterpretation, has taken music seemingly outside their realm and played it like it could never have belonged to anyone else. It's this kind of creative ambition (and the ability to pull the music off) that should inspire non-believers to take a closer look at new jazz. It's as good as it ever was.” – Pitchfork

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