Nikolaj Kunsthal and Posh Isolation
Thursday 13/03/2025
19:00 At Nikolaj Kunsthal
Final Descent
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Thursday 13/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
18:30 At Xenon
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
19:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 14/03/2025
20:30 At KLEIN
H15 Scene
Friday 14/03/2025
22:00 At H15 Scene
Den Grå Hal
Saturday 15/03/2025
19:00 At Den Grå Hal
Union KBH
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Union
Final Descent
Saturday 15/03/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Duk Op
Tuesday 18/03/2025
17:00 At Folkets Hus
Thursday 20/03/2025
19:30 At Rust
Thursday 20/03/2025
21:30 At Empire Bio
Friday 21/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Monday 24/03/2025
20:00 At Kunsthal Charlottenborg
H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
18:00 At H15 Scene
Wednesday 26/03/2025
19:30 At Bremen Teater
Thursday 27/03/2025
19:30 At CAP30
Final Descent
Friday 28/03/2025
19:00 At Metronomen
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Friday 28/03/2025
20:00 At Alice
Universal Language
Sunday 30/03/2025
19:00 At Kulturhuset Indre By
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:00 At Cinemateket
Final Descent
Tuesday 01/04/2025
19:30 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 02/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Thursday 03/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Final Descent and KLEIN kbh
Friday 04/04/2025
20:00 At KLEIN Kbh
Saturday 05/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 06/04/2025
12:00 At BRØK
Final Descent
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:00 At Metronomen
Musik Loppen
Wednesday 09/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Friday 11/04/2025
18:00 At Råhuset
Final Descent
Friday 11/04/2025
19:00 At Valby Kulturhus
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Saturday 12/04/2025
20:00 At Brønshøj Water Tower
Thursday 17/04/2025
19:00 At Huset's Biograf
Friday 18/04/2025
17:00 At Ungdomshuset
Wednesday 23/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Movement Shaped Like A Heart
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:00 At Xenon
Musik Loppen
Thursday 24/04/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Byhaven Pumpehuset
Friday 25/04/2025
15:00 At Byhaven Pumpehuset
Final Descent
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Lake House
Friday 25/04/2025
19:30 At Blågården
Christianshavn Beboerhus
Friday 25/04/2025
20:00 At Christianshavns Beboerhus
Saturday 26/04/2025
20:00 At Alice
Sunday 27/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Tuesday 29/04/2025
19:00 At Alice
Wednesday 30/04/2025
19:00 At CAP30
Thursday 01/05/2025
19:30 At Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium
Friday 02/05/2025
20:00 At KLEIN
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Sunday 04/05/2025
19:00 At Vega
Botanisk Have
Tuesday 06/05/2025
16:30 At Botanisk Have
Friday 09/05/2025
20:00 At Alice
Final Descent
Saturday 10/05/2025
20:00 At LiteraturHaus
Final Descent
Wednesday 14/05/2025
20:00 At Metronomon
Monday 19/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 19/05/2025
19:30 At Råhuset
Friday 23/05/2025
20:00 At Musikcaféen
Musik Loppen
Friday 23/05/2025
21:00 At Musik Loppen
Saturday 24/05/2025
19:00 At Xenon
Sunday 25/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Monday 26/05/2025
19:30 At Mayhem
Wednesday 28/05/2025
19:00 At Alice
Musik Loppen
Tuesday 03/06/2025
20:30 At Musik Loppen
Tuesday 10/06/2025
19:00 At Alice
Thursday 12/06/2025
20:00 At BETA2300
Wednesday 23rd of April
19:00 to 22:00
180 dkk eksl. gebyr
ALICE præsenterer et unikt musikalsk og kunstnerisk møde og et funklende allstar-hold inden for minimalisme og eksperimenterende elektronisk musik. Kom og lad dig omslutte af langstrakt, meditativ komposition og soniske teksturer, når Charlemagne Palestine, Oren Ambarchi og Daniel O’Sullivan puster nyt liv i Palestines sakrale mesterværk KKAARREENNIINNAA.
NB: Koncerten er stående
Den legendariske avantgardekomponist og performer Charlemagne Palestine, den australske guitarist og lydpioner Oren Ambarchi og den engelske multiinstrumentalist Daniel O’Sullivan mødes i et nyt visionært samarbejde. Sammen genfortolker de Palestines ikoniske værk KKAARREENNIINNAA i en form, der transcenderer tid og tradition.
KKAARREENNIINNAA er oprindeligt indspillet i Paris i 1997, har aldrig før været opført live og betegnes som en af perlerne i den nu 77-årige Charlemagne Palestines imponerende repertoire inden for continuous music – den meditative musikform, der udforsker lange, uafbrudte klangflader og fokuserer på tekstur og tidløshed frem for traditionelle melodier og rytmer. Stykket, som er skabt for indisk harmonium og vokal, forener inspiration fra hindustansk raga, spirituel synagogal cantorial-sang og Palestines signaturstil med langstrakt, meditativ komposition. Nu vækkes værket til live i en helt ny version, hvor trioens kunstneriske synergier tilføjer det friske dimensioner. Karenina 2.0 omfavner originalens sakrale kerne, men udvider den med Oren Ambarchis teksturrige guitarspil og Daniel O’Sullivans ekspansive harmoniske greb. I sin nyfortolkede form omslutter værket lytteren som et sonisk tæppe, der overskrider grænserne for tid, tradition og genre. Slut dig til en transformerende lydrejse når Charlemagne Palestine, Oren Ambarchi og Daniel O’Sullivan genfortolker Palestines ikoniske værk KKAARREENNIINNAA på ALICE til foråret.
In English:
ALICE presents a unique musical and artistic collaboration featuring a stellar all-star ensemble from the worlds of minimalism and experimental electronic music. Immerse yourself in extended, meditative compositions and sonic textures as Charlemagne Palestine, Oren Ambarchi, and Daniel O’Sullivan breathe new life into Palestine’s sacred masterpiece, KKAARREENNIINNAA.
The legendary avant-garde composer and performer Charlemagne Palestine, the Australian guitarist and sound pioneer Oren Ambarchi, and the English multi-instrumentalist Daniel O’Sullivan join forces in this visionary collaboration. Together, they reinterpret Palestine’s iconic work KKAARREENNIINNAA in a form that transcends time and tradition.
Originally recorded in Paris in 1997 and never performed live before, KKAARREENNIINNAA is considered one of the gems in the 77-year-old Charlemagne Palestine’s impressive repertoire of continuous music—a meditative form that explores long, uninterrupted soundscapes, focusing on texture and timelessness rather than traditional melodies and rhythms. Created for Indian harmonium and voice, the piece draws inspiration from Hindustani raga, spiritual synagogal cantorial singing, and Palestine’s signature style of extended, meditative composition.
Now, the work is brought to life in an entirely new version, with the trio’s artistic synergy introducing fresh dimensions. Karenina 2.0 embraces the sacred essence of the original while expanding it with Oren Ambarchi’s textural guitar work and Daniel O’Sullivan’s expansive harmonic sensibilities. In its reimagined form, the work envelops the listener in a sonic tapestry that transcends the boundaries of time, tradition, and genre. Join us for a transformative sonic journey as Charlemagne Palestine, Oren Ambarchi, and Daniel O’Sullivan reimagine Palestine’s iconic KKAARREENNIINNAA at ALICE this spring.
This event has been added by Highpass contributors.
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