Jeppe Zeeberg and The Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement (DK)

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Jeppe Zeeberg and The Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement (DK)




Copenhagen, Denmark




Tuesday 25th of February at 19:00


Wednesday 26th of February at 21:00


100 DKK per day

Eksperimenterende punkjazz og skæve kompositioner med en rock'n'roll-energi: Jeppe Zeeberg and the Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement vender sammen med den musikalske frihed tilbage til Cap30.

Jeppe Zeeberg er en udpræget original, kunstnerisk egenrådig og genreløs enfant terrible. Fra sin plads bag orgel og klaver styrer han sit overlegne orkester: Henrik Olsson på guitar; Casper Nyvang Rask på bas og Søren Høi på trommer i et show, der både og hverken er jazz, syre, show, punk, cabaret, rock, men intet og det hele.

En ting er dog sikkert, man kommer gladere og friere ud fra en ud fra en Jeppe Zeeberg and the Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement koncert.


Cap30 er Københavns mindste og mest intime kultursted. Et non-profit venue der eksperimenterer med musik, kunst, performances, talks og meget mere.
Dørene åbner 30 min. inden et show og lukker, når koncerterne starter. Herefter er der ikke adgang til koncertsalen.
Toilet på 1. sal. Adgang via trapper uden elevator.

------- English -------

Experimental punk jazz and unconventional compositions with a rock'n'roll energy: Jeppe Zeeberg and the Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement return to Cap30, bringing their musical freedom with them.

Jeppe Zeeberg is a distinctly original, artistically independent, and genre-defying enfant terrible. From his place at the organ and the piano, Zeeberg leads his superb ensemble: Henrik Olsson on guitar, Casper Nyvang Rask on bass, and Søren Høi on drums, in a show that is both and neither jazz, acid, show, punk, cabaret, rock — yet everything and nothing at once.

One thing is certain, though: you’ll leave a Jeppe Zeeberg and the Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement concert feeling happier and freer.


Cap30 is Copenhagen's smallest and most intimate cultural venue. A non-profit space experimenting with music, art, performances, talks, and much more.

Doors open 30 minutes before the show and close when the concert starts. Entry after the doors are closed is not permitted
The restroom is on the first floor, accessible by stairs. There is no elevator.

This event has been added by Highpass contributors.

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