144000 - Tropico del Cancer (ec/dk)

144000 - Tropico del Cancer (ec/dk)


Copenhagen, Denmark




Wednesday 13th of November


19:00 to 22:00


60 DKK

Tropico del Cancer (ec/dk)

Juan Pino was born in Quito, Ecuador, on July 11, 1980. His father, Bruno, was a poet, actor, puppeteer, and painter, and his mother, Santuzza, a puppeteer, storyteller, and theater author from Switzerland.

At the age of 4, Juan moved with his mother to the Italian part of Switzerland. He grew up surrounded by puppets, mountains, and dreams. At the age of 6, his desire to play drums and perform on stage led him to his first teacher, Oliviero Giovannoni, in his hometown of Locarno. Under Giovannoni's guidance, Juan learned a wide range of percussion instruments, from the xylophone to various other types, over the course of 13 years. During his teenage years, he expressed his grunge, punk, and psychedelic temperament by playing on anything he could find.

Between 2000 and 2002, Juan studied music at the Ecole de Jazz et Musique Actuelle in Lausanne (EJMA, a modern jazz conservatory) and at the Institute Jaques Dalcroze in Geneva (music pedagogy through movement).

However, the path of becoming a jazz drummer did not fully resonate with him. In 2002, Juan moved to Copenhagen to attend the Center for Creativity and Theater, where he undertook a two-year intensive Live and Stage Arts education. There, he broadened his horizons, learning about movement, voice, improvisation, stage awareness, and the creative process.

Juan Pino’s minimal and poetic sound universe recalls the world's roots and the magic of dreams. From his many travels to the Andes, the Amazon forest, Lapland and the Ganges he collected a bunch of instruments and impressions.

Marimba, harmonicas, kalimbas, hammered dulcimer, synthesizers and various percussion gather into an organic landscape, at times naked and acoustic, other times electronically processed, now warm and groovy, then beautifully chaotic or simply ethereal. Each concert is different, possibly working site-specific and including improvisations.

For this intimate performance, Pino will take on the small dome-shaped room of Metronomen, closely surrounded by the audience, working with its lively acoustics to create a collective immersive blanket of soothing soundscapes.

The concert is part of our limited-capacity series at Metronomen, 144000, where only 40 tickets are available for each show. The ticket includes a cup of tea. The concert is supported by Frederiksberg Kommune and Frederiksberg Fonden. Thanks!


Read more at finaldescent.org


Tropico del Cancer (ec/dk)

Juan Pino blev født i Quito, Ecuador, den 11. juli 1980. Hans far, Bruno, var digter, skuespiller, dukkefører og maler, mens hans mor, Santuzza, var dukkefører, historiefortæller og teaterforfatter fra Schweiz.

Som 4-årig flyttede Juan med sin mor til den italienske del af Schweiz, hvor han voksede op omgivet af dukker, bjerge og drømme. Da han var 6 år, førte hans ønske om at spille trommer til, at han begyndte at tage undervisning hos trommeslageren Oliviero Giovannoni i hjembyen Locarno. Under Giovannonis vejledning lærte Juan en bred vifte af slagtøjsinstrumenter over en periode på 13 år.

Mellem 2000 og 2002 studerede Juan musik på Ecole de Jazz et Musique Actuelle i Lausanne (EJMA, et moderne jazzkonservatorium) og på Institut Jaques Dalcroze i Genève (musikpædagogik gennem bevægelse).

Vejen til at blive jazztrommeslager faldt dog ikke helt i hans smag. I 2002 flyttede Juan til København for at gå på Center for Kreativitet og Teater, hvor han gennemgik en toårig intensiv uddannelse i live- og scenekunst. Her udvidede han sin horisont og lærte om bevægelse, stemme, improvisation, scenebevidsthed og den kreative proces.

Juan Pinos minimalistiske og poetiske lydunivers minder om verdens rødder og drømmenes magi. Gennem sine mange rejser til Andesbjergene, Amazonasskoven, Lapland og langs Gangesfloden har han samlet en mangfoldighed af instrumenter og indtryk.

Marimba, mundharmonikaer, kalimbaer, hamret dulcimer, synthesizere og forskellige percussioninstrumenter samles i et organisk landskab. Det kan være nøgent og akustisk eller elektronisk bearbejdet, nogle gange varmt og groovy, andre gange smukt kaotisk eller æterisk. Hver koncert er unik, ofte stedspecifik og inkluderer improvisationer.

Til denne intime forestilling vil Pino indtage det lille kuppelformede rum på Metronomen, tæt omgivet af publikum. Han vil arbejde med rummets livlige akustik og skabe et kollektivt fordybende tæppe af beroligende lydlandskaber.

Koncerten er en del af Final Descent's intimkoncert-program på Metronomen, 144000, hvor der kun fritgives 40 billetter pr. koncert. Inkluderet i billetten er en kop te. Koncerten er støttet af Frederiksberg Kommune og Frederiksberg Fonden. Mange tak!


Læs mere på finaldescent.org

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