This event has passed
Saturday 2nd of March 2024
23:00 to 05:00
75 DKK
Pjamashuset first emerged as a kind of guerrilla record label, gently morphing into an online bastion for music broadcasting, where its founders eventually became the selectors themselves.
All spawning from a quaint rural corner of Dalarna, this trio's sonic palate is the sensory expression of the small-town dreamer, dipped in joy and steeped in nostalgia untouched by time. Their musical journey is painted across house parties, hidden forest raves, festivals, and the pulsating milieu of the nightclub, ranging from vintage quirky disco covers and nu-disco to garage house and club bangers. Their sets can be described as carefully selected Gung-Ho, where their audacity dares to delight in the unexpected.
75kr entry, free before 23:00
We are open from 18:00
We embraces all kinds of people who are willing to participate in a positive party. We do not care who you love, who you kiss or who you fuck, as long as its with consent. Feel free to let go of your inhibitions here, but stay kind and respectful. The night is only as good as we make it.
House Rules:
We never, ever grind/grab/grope without consent.
We Look out for each other.
We always respect a no.
We spread positive vibes only.
Do not comment on peoples appearance unless you have something good to say.
We are all responsible for a good party.
Now, go get lost in the party. But if you see or experience any bad behavior or unwanted attention, do not hesitate to contact our staff!