Hannes Buder (de) + Henrik Pultz Melbye (dk)

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Hannes Buder (de) + Henrik Pultz Melbye (dk)


Copenhagen, Denmark




Sunday 8th of September


19:00 to 23:59


100 DKK

Final Descent looks forward to presenting two strong soloists with a wide-ranging and experimental expression in Brønshøj Vandtårn's divine acoustics. The Copenhagen-based experimental saxophonist, Henrik Pultz Melbye, presents his new meditative solo work DRØMMENE, and the German cellist and composer, Hannes Buder, performs the work Outside Words, which builds a bridge between neoclassical minimalism and ecstatic, improvised folk music.

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Hannes Buder (de)

Hannes Buder (born 1978 in the former GDR) is a German guitarist, cellist, and composer whose work draws from a disparate range of influences, including minimal music, 20th-century classical music, jazz, and avant-garde rock. After studying electric guitar in Dresden, he relocated to Berlin, where he became involved with the experimental music scene. He has played in numerous projects ranging from completely improvised music to fully composed music, as well as the transition area in between. Besides that, Buder has always been a composer and music inventor, creating a large collection of solo compositions, first for electric guitar and later for cello and voice, documented on his five solo albums. He has also composed for smaller and larger ensembles, including four compositions for a 25-piece orchestra.

Buder frequently works with dancers, both in larger companies and in duos. He has composed, performed, and recorded music and sound for film and theatre.

Buder's music is a diverse and colorful universe. His latest effort, the composition "Outside Words," tugs at the heartstrings by vocalizing folk-like melodies accompanied by cello playing and sometimes added guitar. All this is done with an intensity that is both sincere and thoughtful. The music ties together elements of minimalism, chamber music, free improvisation, and ecstatic folk music reminiscent of the Scottish Highlands.

The musicians and composers that Buder has collaborated with include Nicole Mitchell, Todd Capp, Andrew Lafkas, Helmut Öhring, Thomas Noll, Hannes Lingens, Luc Houtkamp, Audrey Chen, Tony Buck, Audrey Lauro, Hilary Jeffery, Mike Majkowski, Steve Heather, and many more.

"Sounds for a deeply vibrant impetuous post-classicism.“
(So What Musica, January 2022)


Henrik Pultz Melbye (dk)

Henrik Pultz Melbye has been a prominent figure in the experimental and avant-garde music scene for several years. He is best known as a member of the band SVIN, as well as a solo artist and sideman. His contributions have earned him multiple DMA Jazz nominations, and he recently won with SVIN for their album "Introducing SVIN."

Drawing inspiration from noise, ambient, free jazz, and drone music, Melbye’s compositions evoke a dreamy atmosphere that stirs a deep longing for security, hope, and presence, while also conveying feelings of powerlessness, desperation, and loss.

On his new solo album, Drømmene (The Dreams), Henrik Pultz Melbye explores different places where dreams unfold, what emotions they evoke in us, and what they remind us of. While dreams take place during our sleep, we also often find ourselves daydreaming, often unconsciously, affecting our emotional state. This album serves as an outlet for all those intense emotions we experience.

As a one-man band, he plays saxophones and synths through effects while looping riffs. The outcome is a wide range of genre elements ranging from ambient and cinematic to grandiose, minimalist, and sci-fi music. The trance-like and meditative nature makes it a musical experience that invites listeners to linger in the sound of emotion.

This album has been years in the making since the first songs were composed in 2020 with inspiration from artists like Brian Eno, Jon Hassel, Harold Budd, Kate Bush, Jules Reidy, and many more.


Read more at finaldescent.org



Hannes Buder (de)

Hannes Buder (født 1978 i det tidligere DDR) er en tysk guitarist, cellist og komponist, hvis udtryk springer ud af en lang række inspirationer, herunder minimal musik, 20. århundredes klassiske musik, folkemusik, jazz og avantgarde. Efter at have studeret guitar i Dresden flyttede han til Berlin, hvor han blev involveret i den eksperimenterende musikscene. Han har spillet i talrige projekter, der spænder fra både improviseret og komponeret musik og området derimellem.

Buders musik er et mangfoldigt og farverigt univers. Hans seneste udgivelse, kompositionen "Outside Words", består af sørgmodige, folk-lignende melodier akkompagneret af cello, guitar og elektronik. Musikken forener elementer af minimalisme, kammermusik, fri improvisation og ekstatisk folkemusik, der minder om det skotske højland.

De musikere og komponister, som Buder har samarbejdet med, inkluderer Nicole Mitchell, Todd Capp, Andrew Lafkas, Helmut Öhring, Thomas Noll, Hannes Lingens, Luc Houtkamp, Audrey Chen, Tony Buck, Audrey Lauro, Hilary Jeffery, Mike Majkowski, Steve Heather og mange flere.

"Sounds for a deeply vibrant impetuous post-classicism.“
(So What Musica, January 2022)


Henrik Pultz Melbye (dk)

Henrik Pultz Melbye har i flere år været en markant skikkelse på den eksperimenterende og avantgardistiske musikscene. Han er bedst kendt som medlem af bandet SVIN, samt som soloartist og sidemand. Hans bidrag har givet ham adskillige DMA Jazz-nomineringer, og han vandt for nylig med SVIN for deres album "Introducing SVIN."

Med inspiration fra støj, ambient, free jazz og dronemusik fremkalder Melbyes kompositioner en drømmende atmosfære, der vækker en dyb længsel efter tryghed, håb og nærvær, samtidig med at de formidler følelser af magtesløshed, desperation og tab.

På sit nye soloalbum, Drømmene, udforsker Henrik Pultz Melbye forskellige de forskellige stadier, hvori drømme udspiller sig, hvilke følelser de vækker i os, og hvad de minder os om. Mens drømme finder sted under vores søvn, dagdrømmer vi også ofte, ubevidst, hvilket påvirker vores følelsesmæssige tilstand. Dette album fungerer som et lærred hvorpå Melbye projicerer fremmede stemningsbilleder som befinder sig mellem det bevidste og det drømmende stadie. Musikken opbygges af elektronisk behandlede saxofonloops og støjende droneflader fra synthesizer-blæsere. Resultatet er en farverig blanding af genreelementer, fra ambient og filmisk til grandios, minimalistisk og sci-fi musik. Den tranceagtige og meditative natur gør det til en musikalsk oplevelse, der inviterer lyttere til at dvæle ved soundtracket af deres eget personlige indre følelsesliv.


Læs mere på finaldescent.org
