
Depot CPH

All these Goddesses // Art Exhibition

This event has passed

All these Goddesses // Art Exhibition


Saturday 5th of March 2022


15:00 to 17:00



DEPOT and Kulturhuset Indre By walls will host art exbihition by Austeja Lasaite. March 5th kl.15 is reception and then the art will be displayed for the rest of March.

We present you - “All these goddesses”

Soothing. Angry. Dissociated. A Goddess isn’t what the majority would imagine perfect: She is constantly navigating through complex states of mind in order to grow. However, she is perfect - sensual, real, alive and able to express emotions, to transmit them and to create a wonderful, full of meaning life.

Connect with your inner Goddess.

Austeja Lasaite is an analog collage artist, creating pieces from old magazines, film photographs and other mixed media. The collages are a representation of human emotions, the irony of Life, personal experiences, interpretations of experiences and Pepole. She started doing collages in 2017. Since then, Austeja had a few collaborations with the Culture platform “Artem” , where she had exhibited her work, a collaboration with a Lithuanian Electronic Music collective Play4n4, where she made collage posters for their event series “Electronicay” in 2019-2020, a solo exhibition in the gallery Artnemesys in September 2019 and a few other smaller showings.

Creativity is what Life is made of. "
