
Culture Box

Another Life x Culture Box: Workshop // Changing the music industry

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Another Life x Culture Box: Workshop // Changing the music industry


Friday 8th of March 2024


19:30 to 21:30



[Event text in English below]

8. marts er kvindernes internationale kampdag. Dagen inviterer til at tjekke ind med, hvordan det går med ligestillingen og repræsentationssarbejdet i musikbranchen. Vi inviterer til en fælles samtale om, hvad vi alle kan gøre mere af for at fremme repræsentationen, arbejdsmiljøet og den generelle sociale bæredygtighed.

Another Life, der har udmærket sig i datadrevet oplysningsarbejde om repræsentation og diskrimination i musikbranchen, faciliterer samtalen. Gennem oplæg og små aktiviteter skal vi i fællesskab blive klogere. Uanset vores rolle i de musikmiljøer, vi begår os i, om vi er lytter, koncertgænger, eventorganisator, promoter, spillestedspersonale, booker e.l. er der nemlig muligheder for at bidrage til udviklingen.

Workshop og efterfølgende klubaften er gratis for workshopdeltagere!
Tilmelding via: https://forms.gle/Qp57KjrvdanwbNP5A

Arrangementet er på engelsk.
For spørgsmål og mere info skriv til mia@culture-box.com


[Event text in English]

8 March is International Women's Day. The day invites us to check in with how things are going with equality and representation work in the music industry. We invite you to a joint conversation about what we can all do more of to promote representation, the working environment and general social sustainability.

Another Life Community, which has excelled in data-driven awareness work about representation and discrimination in the music industry, facilitates the conversation. Through presentations and small activities, we will raise our awareness together. Regardless of our role in music, whether we are listeners, concert-goers, event organisers, promoters, venue staff, bookers, etc. one can contribute to the progress.

Workshop and the following club night is free for workshop attendees!
Register via: https://forms.gle/Qp57KjrvdanwbNP5A

The event is in English.
For questions and more info write at mia@culture-box.com

This event is supported by Københavns Kommune and Statens Kunstfond
