This event has passed
Wednesday 1st of September 2021
20:00 to 08:00
Presale 16-20€ / Door 180 DKK
The wait has come to an end! We are beyond excited to welcome you back to Culture Box for four days of extraordinary music, dancing, hedonism and the biggest celebration of nightlife community in our lives while kicking off a new era in clubbing history.
Presale 16-20€ / Door 180 DKK
Buy tickets:
First drink/beer free the first open hour.
Black Box (from A to Z)
Tim Andresen
Visuals by Hackstage
Red Box (from A to Z)
Esther Urioste
Ian Bang
Ryan Dank
No less than 10 acts to play on the reopening night including Nandu from Innervisions who gets the honour of gracing the decks first in Black Box after the 1,5 year hiatus. He is followed by female duo Anek from VIVa MUSiC and VIVa Warriors. What Happens main man and Culture Box head resident Tim Andresen is next before rising duo Baime of Blindfold Recordings fame and Schaarup from Housefrau. Visuals by Hackstage. Nilu is opening in Red Box and making the very first official performance at our venue since March 2020. Up next is Esther Urioste before handing over to superstar DJ, producer and vocalist Ashibah from Defected with BGM8S’ Ryan Dank and Ian Bang from CPH Deep closing our more intimate surroundings downstairs in style.
Attitude Code
Culture Box operate an attitude code. We have a zero tolerance policy to any form of harassment to our guests and staff. That includes leering, rude comments, touching and any behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable then please notify a member of our staff or the security, they are all trained to help you. We kindly ask for mutual respect. Without respect, love is lost.
Please note
Corona passport needed (you have been vaccinated against, have previously been infected with or have tested negative for COVID-19 within the past 72 hours).