

Stonewall Sessions x Felix Thorsen Katzenelson

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Stonewall Sessions x Felix Thorsen Katzenelson


Thursday 16th of September 2021


18:30 to 23:00



I løbet af sommeren og efteråret præsenterer Back to Future Sounds fire events i København, der støtter op om LGBTQ+ miljøet i Danmark iværksat af Brooklyn Brewery og The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI).

De fire eventtiltag har til formål at skabe en platform for LGBTQ+ miljøet ved at samle folk omkring vigtige emner, der vælges af de fire udvalgte værter.

Hvert event er struktureret omkring en talk efterfulgt af musik og mulighed for dialog. Talken optages og uploades til Heartbeats.com som podcasts - så alle kan lytte og lære, når og hvor de vil. Aftenens talk vil foregå på dansk.

Denne aften er arrangeret af journalist og brevkasseredaktør på Politiken, Felix Thorsen Katzenelson. Han inviterer Elias Sadaq, Storm Lillevang og Eva Eistrup på scenen til en samtale om et både lykkeligt og smertefuldt emne: kærlighed. Hvordan finder man som queerperson kærligheden i 2021? Hvordan ser kærligheden overhovedet ud? Hvad gør det ved en relation, at kærligheden er uden for normen? Sådanne spørgsmål skal stilles og svares på. Det bliver ømt, klogt og fyldt med queer kærlighed.

Derudover vil der være performance af House of Fruits og tunes af HOUSEFRAU.

For at sikre at disse events forbliver safe spaces, beder vi folk om at deltage respektfuldt ved at lytte, lære og aktivt støtte kampen for LGBTQ+ rettigheder.

Du kan læse mere om projektet og initiativtagerne her: https://www.backtofuture.dk/stonewallsessions

Til hvert event vil fotograf, Sarah Fresco, være til stede for at dokumentere aftenen. Vi respekterer, hvis folk ikke har lyst til at få taget billeder, så kontakt os meget gerne til eller før eventet, hvis du gerne vil undgå det. Billederne bruges af Back to Future Sounds og Brooklyn Brewery på deres online kanaler. Billederne kan trækkes tilbage når som helst ved at kontakte Back to Future Sounds på mail, Facebook eller Instagram.

In the summer of 2021, Back to Future Sounds will organize four events in Copenhagen supporting the LGBTQ+ community in Denmark, initiated by Brooklyn Brewery and The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI).

The four events wish to amplify voices from the LGBTQ+ community and gather people around important issues chosen by four speakers from the community, who will be in charge of the content and music of the night. The Stonewall Inn IPA alongside non-alcoholic beverages will be served at the event.

Each event is structured around a talk followed by music and conversation. The talks will be recorded and uploaded to Heartbeats.com as podcasts – so anyone can listen and learn anytime and anywhere. OBS. the talk will be in Danish.

This night is arranged and hosted by journalist and advice columnist on Politiken Felix Thorsen Katzenelson. He invites Elias Sadaq, Storm Lillevang og Eva Eistrup on stage for a talk about a both happy and painful theme; love. How do you as queer person find love in 2021? How does love even look? Does it influence love, if it’s outside the norms? Questions like these will be asked and answered during the evening. It will be tender, wise and filled with queer love.

Afterwards there will be a performance by House of Fruits and tunes by HOUSEFRAU.

To ensure that the events remain safe spaces, we ask people to participate respectfully by listening, learning and ultimately actively supporting the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

You can read more about the project and the initiators here: https://www.backtofuture.dk/stonewallsessions

At every event photographer, Sarah Fresco, will be present to document the night. We respect if people don’t want their pictures taken so don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or before the event if you would like to avoid it. The pictures taken can be used by Back to Future Sounds and Brooklyn Brewery on their online channels. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by reaching out via mail, Facebook or Instagram to Back to Future Sounds.
