This event has passed
Copenhagen, Denmark
Tuesday 19th of November 2024
12:00 to 13:30
Join us for the last Free Lunch of the year, when AHC resident Niels Munk Plum will open his research and present a selection of his works and processes in conversation with curator Håkon Traaseth Lillegraven.
As part of his performative situations, Niels works through installations, language and objects through the scrambling method; to disrupt hierarchies and dissolve logic, to glue the elements together again. The work is created as a program where both artist, work and viewer must take an active part in the conversation, in order to create either a movement or a new experience.
Participation is free, but registration is required. If you wish to participate in the lunch, please register via
Please note that the interview will take place in English.
There is a limited number of places.
Niels Munk Plum (b. 1992, he/him) is a visual artist who after completing his BFA, received one of the FKDS studios at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo in 2020-21. In 2022 he obtained his MFA at Malmö Art Academy, with his graduation show RIGID ROOM, which traveled to Stockholm to be a part of “Konstväxlingar”, the ongoing exhibition-series showing work from newly graduated nordic artists at Odenplan Metroplatform.
He was successively one of three artists to receive a commission for a new performance work as part of the opening exhibition I Call It Art at the National Museum in Oslo 2022.
Currently based in Copenhagen, Niels works with staging the body and language in a performance – and participatory-based discourse where the aim is to queer the self from the use of already existing logic.
Recently he has been behind the performance-based initiative SPIRAL PRAKSIS in collaboration with Sigrid Lerche. In the spring his first solo show EASY FORM HARD was open at Galleri REDAN in Malmö.
He is currently working on the exhibition LOOMING/LOOPING in collaboration with Damien Ajavon, curated by Håkon Lillegraven, that will open in January at BO-Billedkunstnere in Oslo and move to Collega in Copenhagen in June.
Håkon Lillegraven is a curator, art mediator and writer, based in Oslo, Norway, with a special interest in queer, norm-critical, and performative practices, and artistic practitioners and stakeholders within these. In 2023 he was a curatorial resident at ISCP - international studio and curatorial programme in New York City. Collaboratively, he has co-founded platforms such as Ergi, and curated exhibitions and public programmes for museums, medium-sized institutions, and artist-run spaces. He is currently Curator of Education and Public Programmes at the National Museum (Nasjonalmuseet) in Oslo, Norway.