Resonate #10: Pamela Angela + Violence of the Fauve

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Resonate #10: Pamela Angela + Violence of the Fauve


Huset and Resonate


Copenhagen, Denmark




Thursday 16th of March 2023


20:00 to 23:00


50 / 100 DKK

Den tiende udgave af RESONATE præsenterer den eksperimenterende elektroniske duo Pamala Angela and den elektoniske musikkomponist Mads Bergland aka Violence of the Fauve

RESONATE er som et musikalsk kurbad. Du kan dykke ind i det klanglige lydbad og komme ud i vintermørket ladt op med ny mental energi.

Venue: Xenon, HUSET 4th floor
Doors: 20.00
Show: 21.00
Admission: 100 kr / Student: 50kr
Setup: Seated

Get Tickets: https://bit.ly/3EtHZnE

Pamela Angela er en eksperimenterende duo bestående af Mia Ghabarou og Áslaug Magnúsdóttir, spændende – og kryptisk – beskrevet som "en konstruktion af mange perspektiver, hvor opbrud er balanceret med ro og lyksaglighed og aggression er dækket af romantik". I deres mangefacetterede tilgang til produktion trækker de på klassisk og elektronisk musik, performancekunst og dramaturgi. Hjerteskærende melodier møder akustisk musik. Duoen ser ud til at være fast besluttet på konstant at forfølge det, der er uset, uhørt og ukendt.

Bag Violence of the Fauve er den elektroniske musikkomponist Mads Bergland. Den danske kunstners liveshows har en stor dynamisk spændvidde. Både i sine liveshows og på plader tager Violence of the Fauve lytteren fra stille passager af sårbarhed til mere udadvendte øjeblikke med blikkende støj og hårdtslående beats.

Hans seneste udgivelse "Sketch Everything You Gaze Upon" blev udgivet på Janushoved i 2021 og viste et atmosfærisk mangfoldigt lydbillede med et effektivt resultat.

På denne aften viser Violence of the Fauve sit nye audio/visuelle værk, der leger med melankolske ambient og generative kompositionsmetoder



The tenth edition of RESONATE presents the experimental electronic duo Pamala Angela and the electronic music composer Mads Bergland aka Violence of the Fauve

RESONATE is a space for deep listening, meditation, and connection; a musical bathhouse that will rinse your mind and relax your body. Take a break from a busy work week and bliss out in an immersive sonic bath.

Pamela Angela is an experimental duo consisting of Mia Ghabarou and Áslaug Magnúsdóttir, described intriguingly – and cryptically – as "a construction of many perspectives where bliss weighs against the disruption, aggression covered in romanticism". In their multifaceted approach to production, they draw on classical and electronic music, performance art and dramaturgy. Heartbreaking melodies meet acousmatic music. The duo appears determined to constantly pursue that which is unseen, unheard, and unknown.

Violence of the Fauve is the solo moniker of electronic music composer Mads Bergland. The Danish artist’s live shows have a large dynamic range. Both in his live shows and on records, Violence of the Fauve is taking the listener from quiet passages of vulnerability into more extroverted moments with glitchy noise and hard-hitting beats.

His latest release “ Sketch Everything You Gaze Upon” was released on Janushoved in 2021 and showcased an atmospherically diverse soundscape with an effective outcome.

On this evening Violence of the Fauve is showcasing his new audio/visual work that plays around with melancholic ambient and generative composition methods.
