

Sofie Birch ‘Holotropica’ album release

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Sofie Birch ‘Holotropica’ album release


ALICE and Proton


Copenhagen, Denmark




Tuesday 24th of May 2022


19:00 to 22:00


120 DKK

Den danske elektroniske musiker og lyddesigner Sofie Birch fejrer udgivelsen af sit seneste album ‘Holotropica’ med gongbad og koncert, præsenteret af ALICE.


Døre kl 19 / Start kl 20

Køb billet i forsalg: 120 dkk inkl gebyr
Køb billet: https://bit.ly/3LkVAzb
Lyt: ​​https://youtu.be/dgCkaYj8Rys

Venue: Union, Nørre Allé 7



Sofie Birch skaber fyldige, fredfyldte lydkollager gennem særlig harmonisk nysgerrighed og tålmodig improvisation på elektronisk hardware. Med en dybfølt interesse i lydens og vibrationernes helbredende natur, frembringer hendes musik drømmeagtige, meditative tilstande hos lytteren. Samtidig formår Birch i sine eksperimenter med lyd og feltoptagelser at bevare en uforudsigelighed, der giver hvert enkelt værk et unikt fantasifuldt udtryk.

Gennem det danske label interCourse er Sofie Birch nu aktuel med ‘Holotropica’ (bevægelsen mod helhed), opfølgeren til sit seneste (og meget roste) album med Johan Carøe i 2021. Med inspiration fra meditative processer, og fra Birchs egen graviditet sidste år, kombinerer ‘Holotropica’ ambient, fredfyldt elektronik, fløjte og harpe, og reflekterer hendes egen transformation ind i moderskabet og den kærlighed, der følger med. På ALICE er vi stolte af igen at kunne præsentere Sofie Birch, når hun fejrer release af ‘Holotropica’ med gongbad-seance efterfulgt af liveset med Birch og Nana Pi.


In English

Danish electronic musician and sound designer Sofie Birch celebrates her newest album ‘Holotropica’ with a gong bath and concert at ALICE.

Sofie Birch weaves together improvisational use of electronic hardware, a nurturing sense of harmonious curiosity, and serene plateaus of sound. With a profound interest in the healing nature of sound and vibrations, her music contains the potential for opening channels to states of dream-like perception and alleviated presence. Yet the unpredictable experimentation of her engagement with sound, surroundings, and field recordings makes each work a unique expression of imagination.

Through Danish label interCourse, Sofie Birch channels an album of inhabitant sound, ‘Holotropica’ following her latest and very well renowned album with Johan Carøe in 2021. A series of cuts that are dominant to a space, but still pregnant with non-invasive gentle care. Inspired by both meditation processes and her own pregnancy, Holotropica (meaning ‘moving towards wholeness’) combines ambient, serene electronics, flute, and harp, and reflects Birch's own transformation to motherhood and the love inherited. At ALICE we are excited once again to present Sofie Birch as she celebrates the release of ‘Holotropica’. The night will open will a sound bath seance, followed by a live set by Sofie Birch and Nana Pi.
