This event has passed
Copenhagen, Denmark
Concert, Party
Friday 19th of April 2024
20:00 to 02:00
100 DKK
DANSK (English further down ⬇️):
Vi inviterer hermed til releasefest, koncertaften, performance og drinks.
19 april 2024 kl. 20
Glentevej 70B København NV
Entré: 100 kr.
zack christ:
For første gang siden 2018 udgiver zack christ ny musik. “𐘲(𐘨)𐚎𐘲𐝥𐃀𐘡𐘴𐝂.” er blød støjmusik og melodisk glitch, der bløder zacks i forvejen udflydende univers ud i en rytmisk og formmæssig grød. Musikken er en opsamling på og en fortolkning af et esoterisk world building projekt der har stået på over et par år.
Tettix Hexer:
Er fremtidens musik, lavet af Jens Leonhard Aagaard, som er en person der virkelig godt kan lide musik.
Jim Kimchi:
Med bas og syntetiske fejl gennem en pærevending af støj og ambiente flader, udforsker Jim Kimchi genren hyperglitch og hvordan den kan blive formidlet i en koncert-kontekst.
JCW Sunshineman:
Jeg JCW Søn af solen kommer med No fucking Limit for MAKE The NEW Music Release From Zack Crist Startet Music hvor vi alle vil føle IMPACT “What The fucking Happen Here” “Vi er her alle for at Rock Pump The future Together “So AMAZING” !! Så jeg er her, for i alle vil føle jer TOUCH whit The unstoppable Power From The sun The Light !!
I̷̙̙͎̩̓ ̵̡͎̺̰̔F̵̲̹̳̿͂̆̊E̸̙͕̿E̵̡͋̒̈́L̵͇͉͈̬̋ ̶̨̨̻̫́͋Ṡ̶̢̮͖̹̿͑̕O̶̯̕̕͝͝ ̷̼̭̌A̸̢̮̋L̴̛̪̗͎̑͌̏͜Ĩ̴̡̺̣̹͊V̵̢̛̬̖̉̚E̸̯̘̠̦̓̍̈̚
𐘲(𐘨)𐚎𐘲𐝥𐃀𐘡𐘴𐝂. er opstået som et soft worldbuilding projekt, jeg har startet i et forsøg på at kurere min næsten kroniske søvnløshed. Når jeg slukker lyset om natten, leder jeg mine tanker hen på De Syv Verdener og The E(x)ternals, der med deres mystiske og til tider fejlagtige teknologi, forbinder verdnerne - både på godt og på ondt. The E(x)ternals er udenjordiske, søstjerne-lignende væsener, deres intentioner er gode, men deres metoder er formynderiske og naive. De er overbeviste om, at de gør noget godt, når de manipulerer mennesker til at rejse mellem De Syv Verdner gennem De Grå Rum. De gør det for eftertiden, for at redde menneskene, og fordi de har dræbt deres egen Verden. The E(x)ternals har overbevist sig selv om, at menneskene vil samle sig i Elitegrupper og styre os alle i en bedre retning. Længere rækker deres fantasi ikke. De tager også helt ekstremt meget narko - de er helt væk, hele tiden, og når man ovenikøbet bruger Ond Magi, bliver godhed nemt forvandlet til ondskab.
𐘲(𐘨)𐚎𐘲𐝥𐃀𐘡𐘴𐝂. er en relativt fri fortolkning af de tidligste interaktioner mellem The E(x)ternals og menneskene - før Omvæltningen og før menneskene opdager The E(x)ternals’ mangel på etiske overvejelser, fejlene i deres systemer og deres gedigne overforbrug af narkotika.
Kh zack christ :))
Nul dårlig stemning policy:
Ingen diskriminerende eller voldelig adfærd, herunder sexisme, homofobi, racisme, transfobi, ableisme, fill in the blanks
ENGLISH (translated by ChatGPT):
We hereby invite you to a release party, concert night, performance, and drinks.
April 19, 2024, at 8:00 PM
Glentevej 70B, Copenhagen NV
Admission: 100 DKK
zack christ:
For the first time since 2018, Zack Christ is releasing new music. "𐘲(𐘨)𐚎𐘲𐝥𐃀𐘡𐘴𐝂." is soft noise music and melodic glitch, bleeding Zack's already fluid universe into a rhythmic and formal porridge. The music is a collection and interpretation of an esoteric world-building project that has been ongoing for a couple of years.
Tettix Hexer:
Is the music of the future, created by Jens Leonhard Aagaard, a person who really loves music.
Jim Kimchi:
With bass and synthetic errors through a pear-shaped turn of noise and ambient textures, Jim Kimchi explores the genre of hyperglitch and how it can be conveyed in a concert context.
JCW Sunshineman:
I, JCW Son of the Sun, come with No fucking Limit for MAKE The NEW Music Release From Zack Christ Started Music where we will all feel IMPACT "What The fucking Happen Here" "We are all here to Rock Pump The future Together" "So AMAZING" !! So I'm here, for all of you to feel TOUCH with The unstoppable Power From The sun The Light !!
I̷̙̙͎̩̓ ̵̡͎̺̰̔F̵̲̹̳̿͂̆̊E̸̙͕̿E̵̡͋̒̈́E̵̡͋̒̈́E̵̡͋̒̈́L̵͇͉͈̬̋ ̶̨̨̻̫́͋Ṡ̶̢̮͖̹̿͑̕O̶̯̕̕͝͝ ̷̼̭̌A̸̢̮̋L̴̛̪̗͎̑͌̏͜Ĩ̴̡̺̣̹͊V̵̢̛̬̖̉̚E̸̯̘̠̦̓̍̈̚
𐘲(𐘨)𐚎𐘲𐝥𐃀𐘡𐘴𐝂. emerged as a soft world-building project I started in an attempt to cure my almost chronic insomnia. When I turn off the light at night, my thoughts turn to The Seven Worlds and The E(x)ternals, who, with their mysterious and sometimes flawed technology, connect the worlds - for better or for worse. The E(x)ternals are extraterrestrial, starfish-like beings, their intentions are good, but their methods are paternalistic and naive. They are convinced that they are doing good when they manipulate humans to travel between The Seven Worlds through The Gray Spaces. They do it for posterity, to save humanity, and because they have killed their own World. The E(x)ternals have convinced themselves that humans will gather in Elite Groups and guide us all in a better direction. Their imagination does not reach further. They also take an extreme amount of drugs - they are completely out of it all the time, and when you even use Evil Magic, the good easily turns into evil.
𐘲(𐘨)𐚎𐘲𐝥𐃀𐘡𐘴𐝂. is a relatively free interpretation of the earliest interactions between The E(x)ternals and humans - before the Upheaval and before humans discover The E(x)ternals' lack of ethical considerations, the flaws in their systems, and their massive drug use.
Love zack christ :))
Zero Bad Vibes Policy:
No discriminatory or violent behavior, including sexism, homophobia, racism, transphobia, ableism, fill in the blanks.