This event has passed
Thursday 1st of June 2023
20:00 to 01:00
120 DKK
The Danish label Janushoved and HUSET are looking forward to presenting Internazionale, Tettix Hexer and Heva Vaupel & Camilla Lind for Distortion 2023!
Venue: Xenon, 4th floor at HUSET
Doors: 20.00
Show: 21.00
Admission: 120 / Valid Student ID: 60 kr
Internazionale is a framework in which stories are told. An introspective realm in which Mikkel Dunkerley examines themes that seem to shift as tectonic plates beneath the visible structures, and aesthetic languages of each project. Presenting a variety of ambient soundscapes, Internazionale creates spaces in which a visionary ascension becomes possible, to the listener that seeks to engage with the music through emotional presence and conceptual curiosity.
For a decade now, he has worked in many different disciplines of left-field music, transforming his craft of drone music and noise explorations into something more vulnerable. On his recent release “Vestiges Of Nature”, Internazionale contemplates the reality of witnessing the acceleration of the sixth mass extinction, searching for a tentative illumination shelled in a distant ocean of dreams. There is something to be remembered here. A buried collective trauma, the chance of finding temporary personal solace, or something entirely new perplexedly unfolding.
Mikkel is the founder of Janushoved, in which each release is a new contributive jigsaw puzzle in his growing, world-building narrative. Janushoved is heavily affiliated with the experimental hemisphere surrounding Mayhem in Copenhagen’s underground that, for years, has built a reputation of fragments of noise and unsolved viscerality.
Tettix Hexer
Tettix Hexer is a well-known face on the Danish underground scenes of Odense and Copenhagen, known for altering the medium of live music by using biometric and environmental augments to create intensely hard-hitting live shows, resulting in the creation of a sensoric hub in harmonic chaos.
Behind the moniker is the eccentric Danish sound sculptor, radio host, composer and producer: Jens Leonhard Aagaard, working in the intersections of technology, chaos magick and beauty.
In recent years, the project has been operating within the framework of using musical language as a theological approach to erase the divide between human and emergent AI.
“In churches - The bell-ringer is out of work. It’s MIDI-controlled. So who’s ringing the bell?”
Visionary production explores the idea of future-distant, empathic AI memories through anthropocene mythology. With digital gardening, vocaloid phonettix and sonic alchemy, Tettix Hexer is blooming odd variations of the present.
Heva Vaupel & Camila Lind
Within the format of a concert, Lind and Vaupel are searching for a place for performative exploration ranging from energetic pleasure to more intimate vulnerability. Here they weave an almost genre dysphoric experience and with songs as dramaturgy, they take the audience through several doors from something well produced to more raw and intimate material.
Internazionale er en ramme, hvori der fortælles historier. En introspektiv verden, hvor Mikkel Dunkerley (der også er grundlæggeren af Janushoved) undersøger temaer, der synes at skifte som tektoniske plader under de synlige strukturer og æstetiske sprog i hvert projekt. Internazionale præsenterer en række forskellige omgivende lydlandskaber og skaber rum, hvor en visionær opstigning bliver mulig, for lytteren, der søger at engagere sig i musikken gennem følelsesmæssig tilstedeværelse og konceptuel nysgerrighed.
I et årti har han arbejdet i mange forskellige discipliner inden for left-field music, og forvandlet sit håndværk med dronemusik og støjudforskning til noget mere sårbart. På sin seneste udgivelse "Vestiges Of Nature" overvejer Internazionale virkeligheden i at være vidne til accelerationen af den sjette masseudryddelse, på jagt efter en foreløbig belysning afskallet i et fjernt hav af drømme. Der er noget at huske her. Et begravet kollektivt traume, chancen for at finde midlertidig personlig trøst eller noget helt nyt, der forvirret udfolder sig.
Tettix Hexer
Tettix Hexer er et velkendt ansigt på de danske undergrundsscener i Odense og København, kendt for at ændre mediet for livemusik ved at bruge biometriske og miljømæssige forstærkninger til at skabe intenst hårdtslående liveshows, hvilket resulterer i skabelsen af et sensorisk centrum i harmonisk kaos.
Bag aliasset står den excentriske danske lydskulptør, radiovært, komponist og producer: Jens Leonhard Aagaard, der arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem teknologi, kaosmagi og skønhed.
Projektet har i de senere år fungeret inden for rammerne af at bruge musikalsk sprog som en teologisk tilgang til at udviske skellet mellem menneskelig og emergent AI.
Visionær produktion udforsker ideen om fremtidsfjerne, empatiske AI-minder gennem antropocæn mytologi. Med digital havearbejde, vocaloid phonettix og sonisk alkymi blomstrer Tettix Hexer underlige variationer af nutiden.
Heva Vaupel & Camilla Lind
Inden for koncertformatet søger Lind og Vaupel efter et sted for performativ udforskning lige fra energisk fornøjelse til mere intim sårbarhed. Her væver de en nærmest genredysforisk oplevelse og med sange som dramaturgi tager de publikum ad flere døre fra noget velproduceret til mere råt og intimt materiale.