Release *** listening party *** of Virginia Supreme !

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Release *** listening party *** of Virginia Supreme !


H15 Studio


Copenhagen, Denmark


Concert, Party


Wednesday 13th of November 2024


16:30 to 21:00



Velkommen til en intim lyttesession af den nyligt udgivne plade 'Virginia Supreme' af BESS (udgivet af Don't Look Back Records)

Kom og lyt gennem den musikalske rejse med det fulde album 'Virginia Supreme', der udkom den 17. august i år, i en intim og optimeret lytte-setting i H15 Studio i Kødbyen.
-- Medbring noget blødt og/eller varmt for at sidde og lytte, der vil være stole og en sofa og et blødt gulv

Døre (gratis) : 16:30
Musikken starter : 17:00
efter lyttesessionen vil der være en Q & A med kunstneren, BESS (Bess Barkholt), hvor du kan få mødt enhver mulig nysgerrighed om værket! :)

Kl. 19.00 inviterer BESS (jeg) til at spise sammen i Fragthallen (samme adresse). Skriv restaurant@h15.dk for at bestille ved vores bord - skriv at du bestiller ved 'Virginia Supreme'

Siden udgivelsen af de to første singler fra de fulde 13 sange 'Drag Song' og 'Gatekeeper' har albummet 'Virginia Supreme' nydt positiv respons fra bloggere og anmeldere verden over. Nedenfor, er nogle citater -


Welcome to an intimate listening session of the newly released record 'Virginia Supreme' by BESS (released by Don't Look Back Records(

Come and go through the musical journey of the full album 'Virginia Supreme', released the 17th of august this year in an intimate and optimised sound situation at H15 Studio in Kødbyen.
-- Bring something soft and/or warm to sit and listen, there will be chairs and a sofa and a soft floor

doors (free) : 16:30
music starts : 17:00
after the listening session, there will be a Q & A with the artist, BESS (Bess Barkholt), where you can get any curiosity met about the work

At 19:00 you can join the artist and friends eating at Fragthallen (same address). Write restaurant@h15.dk to order at our table - write that you order table with 'Virginia Supreme'

Since the release of the first two singles from the full 13 songs 'Drag Song' and 'Gatekeeper', the album 'Virginia Supreme' has enjoyed positive feedback from bloggers and reviewers worldwide, here are a few quotes


"Musically, Virginia Supreme is a captivating blend of avant-pop sensibilities, drawing inspiration from a wide diverse range of influences. BESS' compositions are both playful and profound, seemlessly transitioning from infectuous dancable grooves to introspective moments of deilcate beauty" (Broken8Records, Australia)

"BESS, a trailblazer in the avant-pop world, crafts an audacious and thougt-provocing exploration of identity, gender and societal norms through her genre-defying sound-scapes and evocative story-telling. With Virginia Supreme, BESS invites us into a transformative journey, where each track serves us a chapter in a grand narrative of female empowerment and artistic liberation. Let's join her in her reign" (Songweb.net, Ghana)

"From the first notes of the opener 'Art Figure', BESS sets the tone for what is an intensely personal yet universally resonant journey. The production throughout the album is innovative and full of interesting effects, but it's the emotional weight of her vocal delivery that truly anchors the work" (We Write About Music, US)
