
Final Descent

Final Descent X Copenhagen Jazz Festival Day 3

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Final Descent X Copenhagen Jazz Festival Day 3


Copenhagen, Denmark


Concert, Festival


Tuesday 9th of July 2024


19:30 to 23:59


100 DKK

Final Descent X Copenhagen Jazz Festival

Join us for three days of adventurous sounds and a myriad of different expressions, when we dive deep into the world of improvisation at the iconic venue Mayhem during Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2024.

Here you will witness folk, jazz, free-improvisation, electronic ambient, harsh noise and neo-classical music merge in new exciting ways, from a diverse range of performers with different geographical and artistic backgrounds.

100 dkr pr day, or 200 dkr for all 3 days.

7. juli: Lao Dan meets Maria Bertel (cn/dk) + Køs (dk)
8. juli: Jooklo Duo (it) + Lao Dan (cn) + Hey Nana, I'm Halym (de/kr/dk)
9. juli: Røysum/Aardestrup/Jørgens Trio (no/dk) + Smuk Zvuk (dk/cz)

Doors: 19.30
First show: 20.00


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Røysum / Aardestrup / Jørgens Trio (no/dk)
Andreas and Jonathan first met in 2016 and have enjoyed playing together many times since. In the meantime, Peter Ole and Jonathan have joined forces as a duo and have played with a number of international musicians in the past year. Therefore, it is perfect to unite with Andreas for a tour in Denmark in July.

All three are experienced improvisers, with a great love for music from all over the world and an unwavering desire to express it on their instruments. Expect everything from quiet atmospheric soundscapes to devotional, groovy hypnotic explorations in the realm of free improvisation.

Andreas Røysum: Clarinet og bass clarinet
Jonathan Aardestrup: double bass
Peter Ole Jørgens: drums

The young talented Norwegian clarinetist Andreas Røysum is one of the most active improvisers of his generation. He has his own ensemble that plays a wide range of spiritual and free jazz, which, like his own playing, also incorporates folk music from the Nordic countries, Bali, Africa, and India. He plays in bands such as Miman, Marthe Lea Band, and many others. An indefatigable organizer, political activist, and - above all - musician.

He also collaborates with some of the biggest names in improvisational music including John Edwards, Mats Gustafson, Axel Dörner, Kresten Osgood, and Tobias Delius.

Peter Ole Jørgensen - aka P.O. Jørgens and Pere Oliver Jørgens - began working with John Tchicai in 1974. He has been a central figure in the freeform/improv scene for 40 years, both as an extremely creative drummer and producer. He has defined Danish improvised drumming for more than 40 years and released a stream of albums on his own legendary label Ninth World Music.

Among others, he has recorded and performed with Peter Brötzmann, Evan Parker, David Thomas, Phil Minton, Axel Dörner, Fred Frith, John Tchicai, Zëv, Frank Lowe, Mikolaj Trzaska, Paul Rutherford, Alan Silva, Fred Lonberg Holm, Marylin Crispell, Johannes Bauer, John Dikeman, Tim Hodgkinson, David Moss, Carlos Zingaro, Michel Godard, Peter Jacquemyn, Thomas Lehn & Sirone amo.

Jonathan Aardestrup is a composer and double bassist from Copenhagen who has been an active participant in the music scene for more than 20 years, where he has played with the rap group Sort Stue at the Roskilde festival '07, toured internationally, alone and with various groups, and also been responsible for a number of releases of original music.

Currently, he is active with the group The Way Out, which also includes TS Høeg, as well as a wide portfolio of collaborations with Makoto Sato, Siv Øyunn, Louis Moholo-Moholo, Anders Vestergaard, Signe Emmeluth, Laura Toxværd, Christian Balvig, Niels Mestre, Quentin Roullet, Mads Egetoft, Paul Wacrenier, Szymon Pimpon, Andreas Røysum, Maria Dybbroe, etc.

Smuk Zvuk (dk/cz)
Smuk Zvuk comprises two young musicians who crossed paths during their time in the Erasmus program in Paris. Their unique blend of vibraphone and double bass presents its share of creative challenges.

Despite the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which hindered their exploration of the Parisian jazz scene, the duo found solace in deepening their connection through intimate musical exchanges. Klára and Viktoria spent their days delving into jazz standards, sharing original compositions, and engaging in free improvisation.

Outside of Smuk Zvuk, both musicians pursue individual projects—Viktoria Holde Søndergaard with "Baryl" and Klára Pudláková with "Uthando" and "Pudlax"—actively contributing to the Danish and Czech jazz communities.

Smuk Zvuk means "beautiful sound" and is a mix of the Danish word Suk, beautiful, and the Czech word Zvuk, which means sound.

Viktoria Holde Søndergaard: Vibraphone
Klára Pudláková: Double bass


Røysum / Aardestrup / Jørgens Trio (no/dk)
Andreas og Jonathan mødtes første gang i 2016 og har siden nydt at spille mange gange siden. I mellemtiden er Peter Ole og Jonathan er gået sammen som duo og har spillet med en række internationale musikere det seneste år. Derfor passer det perfekt at forenes med Andreas til en tourne i Danmark til Juli.

Alle 3 er erfarne improvisatører, med stor kærlighed til alverdens musik og en utrættelig lyst til at udtrykke den på deres instrumenter, så der er åbent for alt fra det stille atmosfæriske, til det drevne groovy spirituelle.

Andreas Røysum: Clarinet og bass clarinet
Jonathan Aardestrup: double bass
Peter Ole Jørgens: drums

Den unge talentfulde norske klarinettist Andreas Røysum er en af sin generations mest aktive improvisatorer. Han har sit eget ensemble som spiller en bred vifte af spiritual og freejazz, der som hans eget spil også inkorporere folkemusik både fra Norden, Bali, Afrika og Indien. Han spiller i bands som Miman, Marthe Lea Band og mange andre… En utrættelig organisator, politisk aktivist og – først og fremmest – musiker.

Han arbejder også sammen med nogle af de største inden for improvisationsmusik bl.a. John Edwards, Mats Gustafson, Axel Dörner, Kresten Osgood og Tobias Delius.

Peter Ole Jørgensen - aka P.O. Jørgens and Pere Oliver Jørgens. (Denmark) Begyndte at arbejde med John Tchicai i 1974. Central figur på freeform/impro-scenen i 40 år både som yderst kreativ trommeslager og producer. Han har defineret dansk improviseret trommespil i mere end 40 år og udgivet en strøm af albums på sit eget legendariske label Ninth World Music.

Har blandt andre indspillet og lavet koncerter med: Peter Brötzmann, Evan Parker, David Thomas, Phil Minton, Axel Dörner, Fred Frith, John Tchicai, Zëv, Frank Lowe, Mikolaj Trzaska, Paul Rutherford, Alan Silva, Fred Lonberg Holm, Marylin Crispell, Johannes Bauer, John Dikeman, Tim Hodgkinson, David Moss, Carlos Zingaro, Michel Godard, Peter Jacquemyn, Thomas Lehn & Sirone amo.

Jonathan Aardestrup er komponist og kontrabassist fra København der i mere end 20 år har været en flittig aktør på musikscenen hvor han bla. har spillet med rapgruppen Sort Stue på Roskilde festival '07, tourneret internationalt, alene og med forskellige grupper og desuden været ansvarlig for en række udgivelser af originalmusik.

For tiden er han aktiv med gruppen The Way Out, som også omfatter TS Høeg samt en række løsere samarbejder med bla. Makoto Sato, Siv Øyunn, Louis Moholo-Moholo, Anders Vestergaard, Signe Emmeluth, Laura Toxværd, Christian Balvig, Niels Mestre, Quentin Roullet, Mads Egetoft, Paul Wacrenier, Szymon Pimpon, Andreas Røysum, Maria Dybbroe.

Smuk Zvuk (dk/cz)
Smuk Zvuk er et duet bestående af to unge musikere, der mødtes under deres ophold på Erasmus-programmet i Paris. Deres særlige kombination af vibrafon og kontrabas giver anledning til en række kreative udfordringer.

Trods de begrænsninger, som COVID-19-pandemien medførte og som forhindrede dem i at udforske den parisiske jazzscene, fandt duoen trøst i at styrke deres forbindelse gennem intime musikalske udvekslinger. Klára og Viktoria tilbragte deres dage med at dykke ned i jazzstandarder, dele originale kompositioner og kaste sig ud i fri improvisation.

Uden for Smuk Zvuk arbejder begge musikere på individuelle projekter - Viktoria Holde Søndergaard med "Baryl" og Klára Pudláková med "Uthando" og "Pudlax" - og bidrager aktivt til det danske og tjekkiske jazzmiljø.

Smuk Zvuk betyder "smuk lyd" og er et mix af det danske ord smuk og det tjekkiske ord Zvuk som altså betyder lyd.

Viktoria Holde Søndergaard: Vibrafon
Klára Pudláková: Double bass

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