An Evening with Marina Abramović / CPH:DOX

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An Evening with Marina Abramović / CPH:DOX




Copenhagen, Denmark




Thursday 22nd of April 2021


19:15 to 20:00



Oplev den verdensberømte kunster Marina Abramović i en live talk på dette års CPH:DOX.

I forbindelse med verdenspremieren på dokumentarfilmen ’512 Hours med Marina Abramović’, vil kunstneren selv deltage i en samtale med kurator Tine Colstrup fra Kunstmuseum Louisiana.

Samtalen er en del af talk-programmet An Evening With, som består af internationale kunstnere, tænkere og aktivister, der med udgangspunkt i kunst, viden og engagement, ønsker at skabe forandring i verden. Dette års talks er særligt med fokus på løsninger til de globale kriser – herunder den nuværende pandemi og det forandringspotentiale, som kunst og aktivisme fordrer.

An Evening With præsenteres i samarbejde med Normann Copenhagen.

‘512 Hours’ af Adina Istrate & Giannina La Salvia, der kan streames under CPH:DOX 2021, handler om Marina Abramovićs udstilling af samme navn.
I sommeren 2014 strømmede titusindvis af gæster til Serpentine Gallery i London for at opleve '512 Hours'. Men da den åbnede, gik det op for alle, at publikum selv var det egentlige værk i den ikoniske performance-kunstners skelsættende udstilling. Publikum var imidlertid også aktive deltagere og medskabere i det sociale eksperiment, der på den minimalistiske baggrund af galleriets tomme rum konstant udviklede sig i nye, uforudsigelige retninger, som Abramović selv deltog i. Efter et år med social afstand er '512 Hours' blot endnu mere generøs i sin radikale vision for nye og frie fællesskaber.

CPH:DOX 2021 løber fra 21. april til 12. maj. Læs mere om årets festival på: https://cphdox.dk/da/


Experience world renowned artist Marina Abramović live in conversation at this year's CPH:DOX.

In relation to the World Premiere of the documentary film '512 Hours with Marina Abramović, the artist herself will participate in a conversation with curator at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Tine Colstrup.

The conversation is part of the An Evening With talk series, with international artists, scholars and activists centering on the potential of facilitating change through art, knowledge and engagement. This year the series will focus on solutions to global crises - including but not limited to the current pandemic - and the role of art and activism in this effort.

An Evening With is presented together with Normann Copenhagen.

The documentary film ‘512 Hours’ by Adina Istrate & Giannina La Salvia follows Marina Abramović's exhibition '512 Hours’.
In the summer of 2014, tens of thousands of guests flocked to the Serpentine Gallery in London to experience the exhibition. But when it opened, it dawned on everyone that the audience itself was the actual work in the iconic performance artist's landmark exhibition. The audience members were also active participants and co-creators of the social experiment, which - set against the minimalist background of the gallery's empty space - developed continuously into new, unpredictable directions during the three weeks (or 512 hours) in which the exhibition took place, while Abramović herself took part in the performative ritual. After one year of social distancing, '512 Hours' feels even more generous in its radical vision for new and free communities.
